The Adventure Begins!
Artist: Ammo
Media: Wacom tablet, Photoshop 5, sparkly stuff in PSP 6
Artist's Commentary
This is just such a fun, simple little game that makes me smile. ^_^ This picture, however, turned out to be fairly ambitious, and I spent quite some time on it. ^^;; Drawing and coloring fur isn't very easy, at all. :\ But, it turned out pretty well. I also wanted to smack myself when it came time to do all the red details on Toan's poncho, for having so much fun in doing "a really cool-looking flair" kind of thing at the beginning, when I did the line art. >_< Ah, well. Xiao's a tad, erm, taller and pinker than she is in the game, but that was pretty much do lack of source materials at the time. *shrug* I'm still really happy with this pic, over-all.
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