The Darkness Drinks
Artist: GlassShard
Media: Painter 6.0, Photoshop 5.0
Artist's Commentary
Dark picture with a title pulled from one of the hundreds of delightful room names in VS. I just wanted to paint something... yicky. So I did. And I packed a lot of stuff into this quadrangle of pixels. The background was a Byzantine mosaic depicting the destruction of Sodom. Appropriate, ne? It's smeared in blood and defaced by a zombie who's lost his faith, and you can see the little mustache drawn on the Saint behind him. Silly. Ripped clerical collar, half-immersion(baptism) in blood (not sure if it's his or someone else's), back to the sun, haloed in moonlight, and a big fat smirk because he just doesn't care. Could I be any more pretentious? ^_~ I originally wanted to write a fanfic with these themes... but it was much easier to just put them in a drawing. Anyway, Grissom rocks, even as an insane corpse with mussy hair.
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