Artist: The Spy Kitty
Media: Paper, pencil, Photoshop 4.0, whuddup?!
Artist's Commentary
Again, it's not Cait Sith!! Meep. Worried yet? =P
Anyway, here's everybody's favorite smoking and cursing aviator: Cid! .. Only chibified and gangsafied. O_o()
Don't ask, it's a long story how this popped up in my head. ^-^() {lmao}
Jess told me I should send it, so everybody blame this on Jess for being here. {grin}
{ducks from being torn to bits by a certain Harpy lady}
Hehehe. ^-^()
But, to make a long story short, I had Cray from Breath of Fire IV in mind ... How does that connect to this? Well, for those of you who've played BoF4, you know how everybody says some funky thing when they attack in battle? =P What Cray says sounds a LOT like "whuddup?!". {rotflmao} Jess pointed that out to me, and I bust out laughing. XD
And we've been poking fun at it ever since. {grins}
So, with gangsta-nonsense in mind, I decided to try drawing a chibified gangsta Cid! =P
So, here he is. Whuddup, Cid?! {grin}
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