What inspired you to create this piece?
Er... wanted to draw a sweet Maria/Kanna pic, s'all.
What made you decide to portray this character(s) / scene?
I'm a sucker for said pairing of characters, and I wanted to do a
(relative) closeup on their faces.
Discuss your interpretative portrayal of the character(s) / scene.
Debatable? Yes. But I need to hold against the Maria/Sakura and
Kanna/Sumire fractions! Never mind that yuri-enemies won't like it in
any case ^^;;
What is your reaction to an aspect of the piece or the overall product?
I like it. I used Photoshops shenanigans only on the background this
time (water-paper effect), and I think the initial drawing was pretty
good, too. Just a shame that the colours always suffer when I convert it
to jpg... ah, vell.
Discuss any other points of interest you may wish to make about the
Ur... I had to change Maria's nose on the computer - beforehand she
looked alarmingly like Michael Jackson... O.o. Is Kanna's hair too red?
I can never decide whether to make it bright scarlet or russet - I
usually settle for something inbetween.