Artist: Faye
Media: Prisma markers on 9x12" marker paper that was too large for the markers to handle, with a touch of cg to correct the marker's limited ink capacity. =(
Artist's Commentary
My drawing uses uses great contrast and proportion to sybolize love and peace that is only found in.... oh,... wait a second.. It's just some Bust a Groove fanart.
It took me forever due to the outlines and my lack of large pens(largest .05). The paper was too big for using the markers on.. it would have looked fine if i had drawn it smaller,.. oh well, what is done is done. oh, and to top it off. it was JUST too big to fit in the scanner.
here's a little tip for those who use prisma markers: DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO COLOUR INSANLY LARGE AERAS. It only leads to grossness unless you can colour at the speed of light.
*whew* okay... I like how this turned out other than the marker problem.. they yellow BG makes it look like the character select screen, neat. Heat's the man. Heat's the sh*t. Everybody know that Heat is the one. He's too bad........ I'm done now.
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