Artist: The Spy Kitty
Media: Dull pencil, torn blank paper, Photoshop 4.0, creative mood
Artist's Commentary
YES!! I *finally* got a scanner!! FINALLY! A SCANNER! To .. SCAN things with!!! <(@___@)>
{such emmense rejoicing occurs!}{lmao}
So, I'm finally able to make displayable fanart out of hand-drawn works, instead of the cheap CRAP I wove with a mouse. @_@()
Here, in this .. ODD little work of mine, we see Cait Sith (again), bearing a gun and a waving fist, and sporting some ruggéd farmer duds. O_o() {rotflmao}
Now, what *inspired* this bizzarity, you ask? =P
Well, I've always *loved* making fun o-- I mean .. pointing out the fact that Cait Sith is a redneck. {grins} A hick, so to speak. {lmao} Hence my choice of new email address. <(~_^)>
Thus, yonder fanart was born. =P I think it looks mighty fine. Ya reckon? {grins}
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