Titanic Away... Again!
Artist: Lobstaboy
Media: Photoshop
Artist's Commentary
titanicawayagain.jpg is my personal tribute to the Titanic Away guy. Now, Titanic Away is a minigame where Taneo or Ririka or Tsuyoshi fall into this Chinese dude's tiny boat. Every single time the conversation between them goes something like this:
Titanic Away Guy: (banging a spoon against his head) "Hey, it's not every day I get a pretty girl in my boat."
Andrea: "Oh, stop! *giggle*"
(Andrea gets bored and accidentally pulls the cork out of the bottom of the boat)
Titanic Away Guy: "What have you done!?!?!"
Then you have to bail water out for six minutes until you get to shore. He does all he can; He swims around to find the cork that popped out, and then fights his way past all the deadly water creatures to plug it back in. Then he starts dancing. HE STARTS DANCING. There's only one explanation for this: Titanic Away Guy equals God.
He strangles you if you let his boat sink, by the way. GLK
This image was drawn directly to Photoshop using my Wacom Graphire tablet, and a layer mesh was applied to get all the cool coloring/airbrushing/text effects. Baby Elephant appears courtesy of Cutewendy.
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