Artist's Commentary
Hey everyone.....Please dont think I am trying to out-do anyone. Its just
that i sent my halloween pics in one time and they were never posted. So
this time I am trying again because of the other guy that got posted. ;)
Anyway, That is me as Squall for 1999 and me as Seifer for 2000. I am a
costume nut and I put a huge amount of effort into these. Everything was
hand made....jackets and everything. And yes, I made both swords with my own
two hands!! :) They are made of pine wood...and carved to shape. Well, I
dont know what else much to say except that for 2001 I am being Amarant.
Well, gimme feedback if you like my costumes. OH!, sorry for not have Squall
"hair" LOL. Bye all!