Soulless Reflection
Artist: Nick P.
Media: Pencil, Colored Pencils, US Penny, metric ruler, Photoshop
Artist's Commentary
I see how this picture may look confusing, so I'll try to explain. It's half of the basic FF battle(monsters not shown). It's from the scene in FFVII where Cloud is telling his initial story about what happened five years ago, just before Sephiroth went insane. That long curved(well, it's supposed to look curved a little) thing by Sephiroth's head is his sword. He carries it a bit strange, holding it behind his head with the handle and blade at head level. I don't think I explained that right, but take my word for it, it's a sword. And yes, that thing on the back of the sword is the reflection of his eye. I had that reflection idea when I was messing around with my own sword and noticed my eyes' reflection. I immediately got a pencil and piece of paper and started drawing. That was a few weeks ago. I finished it pretty quickly, but didn't want send it in until I colored it in, and didn't want to color it in until I waited a while and became good with colored pencils! . Well, I should have waited longer. I think my coloring ruined a lot of the picture. It doesn't look terrible now, but it did look much more.....expressive before.

And despite putting down my coloring job, this is one of my favorite pictures. My first true RPG fan art, in fact. Unfortunately nobody else seems to care for it much. I showed a few of my brother's friends, but they couldn't tell what was going on. In fact they thought Sephiroth was female. Idiots. Well, I actually don't blame them for thinking that but it's frustrating because I tried to make him look as masculine as possible. Though, I guess with Sephiroth there's only so much you can do as far as that goes. I haven't even mentioned Cloud yet. Yeah, he's in the background trying to stay conscious while Sephiroth is just killing monsters like it's no thing. I regret I drew him a little too haphazardly. I basically made his head by outlining a penny. My initial idea for Cloud was to have his oversized butter knife positioned so that you could see the monsters in it's reflection, but I decided that would be too awkward(assuming I could do that, which I doubt I can! yet). And I know, I gave him more spikes than he had or deserved in the game, but I wanted to make sure you could tell who it is. Now looking at the picture I regret I drew him so far back instead of "in front" of Sephiroth's head. The sky was originally a puke blend of about ten colors I tried to make look good, but didn't, so I replaced it with the lightning, which looks better, but kinda clashes with the pale pencil colors. Oh well, just tells me I should learn to draw in CG. What else....I know that Sephiroth is facing the wrong way and his hair's blue. I forgot he's left handed and the pencil I drew his hair with said it was gray(cool gray, in fact). It lied. And I know I have a depth problem. I'm working on it.

Any comments or criticism are accepted and appreciated.

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