Vibri NOW for the FUTURE!
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Lord Itlan Bic ballpoint pen, a sense of moral and political outrage, and Adobe 5.5 Itlan's Online Portfolio
Artist's Commentary

This is an image intended to encourage all eligible soldiers to join the bloody struggle to bring Vib Ribbon into the USA. I figure it's going to become a war, and since all wars need good propaganda...I mean, um, PUBLIC AWARENESS posters...I might as well be the first to produce some. It was inspired by WWII posters and is intended to convey the feeling of an unkept promise...I will not sleep until I can play this video game in my own country. This shall be the war cry: "Vibri NOW for the FUTURE!"

...Why do I get to choose the battle cry? Because I said so, and since I'm in charge of propaga---I mean PUBLIC AWARENESS---what I say goes.

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