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![]() ¤ FFI ¤ FFIV ¤ FFV ¤ FFVI ¤ FFVII ¤ FFVIII ¤ FFIX ¤ FFMQ ¤ FFT ¤ Other ¤ Note: None of these were made by me (except for the ones marked as being made by me) - I got them from various archives and such around the net, and have no idea who did most of them, because they are very seldom labelled. I greatly appreciate the effort the people who made them put forth, though, and their work certainly doesn't go unappreciated! Prelude. The very first incarnation of the Crystal Prelude! Main Theme. Overworld music. Chaos' Temple. Even back then, Uematsu was creating works of art... Matouya's Cave. I wish I knew who did this, this is a really good midi. Castle Theme. Yeah, yeah, rescue the Princess, haven't heard that one before. Town Theme. Yeah, yeah... Sailing Ship. I think I heard this one too much too. Darn that trip to Crescent Lake! Earth Cave. Ah, memories. The hall of giants. Infuriatingly difficult Earth elementals. Bats that got in my way. Ack. Gurgu Volcano. Lair of my favorite Fiend of Fire - Kary! Undersea Palace. Heh, and that's where I found the Slab for Dr. Unne... Dungeon. Two words for you: Marsh Cave! :P Menu Screen. I heard this one a little too much, back in the day... Airship Theme. Every game has one. Floating Castle. Ah, the robots... shoot me before I get too nostalgic. Battle Theme. A FF game with only one battle theme? Fanfare. Sound familiar? Ending Theme. This was pretty darn impressive in its day. Dead Music. Still makes me cringe. :P Prelude. Say what you will about this game, but I never realized just how cool 16-bit was until I turned on FFIV for the first time and heard this music. Red Wings. This is the only game music besides One-Winged Angel that actually shocked me... as stated above, 16-bit music was new to me. I was incredibly impressed. ^_^ Kingdom Baron. Darned good midi, too. Theme of Love, more commonly known as Rosa's theme. I think this was the first video game music I really fell in love with. Prologue. Known also as the Bridge-Crossing theme... This is for Daniel. Miss ya, man. Welcome To Our Town. Typical town theme... Dance! This isn't on the OST as far as I know, but hey - it's been sequenced! Main Theme. They never have creative names for their overworld music, but this is my favorite of the overworld themes... Battle Theme. Also not a creative name. Oh well. Ever notice how all the games' battle themes are really similar? Fanfare. Victory! The Big Chocobo! Always cracks me up... Chocobo Forest. I can't find this track listed on the OSV soundtrack listings I've looked at... Choco-Chocobo! Yellow Chocobo theme. Into the Darkness. The dungeon theme. Boss Battle Theme. I love the bass in this... Ring of Bomb. Plays upon arriving in Mist... Rydia. Heh, I always liked her a lot... my second favorite FFIV character. Castle Damcyan. Edward's place. Cry in Sorrow. Every RPG's gotta have a "sad theme"... Melody of Lute. Ah, Edward... a great character from a story perspective, but a lousy fighter. Still, he had good music... Mt. Ordeals. Fabul. Run! Plays whenever you're escaping someone or something. Suspicion. Another sad theme. Golbez, Clad in the Dark. Hey, Cid! Darned funny. Mystic Mysidia. This has gotta be in my top 3 video game musics of all time. Long Way to Go. I always think of it as the Mysidian elder's music, myself. Palom and Porom. Another wacky one. The Dreadful Battle. Music when you fight the fiends. The Airship. Back to the not-so-creative naming scheme... Toroian Beauty. Nice, soft, and peaceful. Samba de Chocobo. Finally, the elusive last FFIV track has been found! :D Tower of Bab-il. Somewhere In The World... Golbez schemes. Land of Dwarves. The underworld theme. Giott, the Great King. Lali-ho! Dancing Calbrena. Man, that scene gave me the creeps... Tower of Zot. Illusionary World. This music was used more than once, but always makes me think of the Sylvan Cave. The Big Whale. Another Moon. Lunar overworld. The Lunarians. Lunar dungeons, also I sort of think of it as Cecil's theme, since it played at the peak of Mt. Ordeals... Inside the Giant. Cool music, for a rather weird dungeon. The Final Battle. They're just not even trying... ^_^ Epilogue. This is really long, but really good too. Although I once had a midi of just the second half of this which was even better, but it got lost when my parents' HD crashed. :( Ahead On Our Way. Someone sent me this midi a really long time ago and I didn't even know what it was from but I loved it. ^_^ A Presentiment. Music that plays during the opening scenes. Four Valiant Hearts. The overworld theme. Hurry! Hurry! The urgent, "run for your life!" music. Lenna's Theme. Lenna, Reina, whatever. Fate in Haze. A dungeon theme. Battle Theme. I'm addicted to these catchy little things... Victory Fanfare. It's to be expected. Pirates Ahoy! Ah, Faris... ;) Tenderness in the Air. I don't like most town themes, but this one I do... maybe cause I haven't heard it as much as the others? Good Night!. I always wondered why on earth these are on the OST. Sealed Away. This played in the Wind Shrine, and I liked it so much I went out and hunted down the midi. Cursed Earths. Music from the town of Karnak, as well as a few other places. Deception. Don't quite remember where this was played... Walking in the Snowy Mountains. Actually, the place I first heard this didn't look snowy at all. And neither did any of the others, now that I'm thinking of it... :P Danger! The Fierce Battle. Boss theme, of course. The Dragon Spreads Its Wings. Of course, in the rom I have, they didn't translate some things, so I've been calling the dragon "hiryuu". The Royal Palace. A suitably noble-sounding song for the castles... The Fire-Powered Ship. Run! Nostalgia. Sort of a sad theme... The Ancient Library. Reminiscence. Sort of eerie in a way. Musica Machina. This is just plain strange, but goes well with the setting. The Day Will Come. A quiet, sort of melancholy theme. What? The requisite "weird humor" theme. Mambo de Chocobo. Heh heh... My Home, Sweet Home. This is just a really neat little bit of music. Music Box. Is it just me, or does every Square game have a piece like this? The Airship. Darned fastest airship I've ever seen, too. O_o The Evil Lord ExDeath. He even sounds dangerous... ExDeath's Castle. Sounds a lot like OWA... The Four Warriors of Dawn. Battle With Gilgamesh. Also known as The Big Bridge. One of the cooler battle themes, definitely. Unknown Lands. It appears I may have a new favorite overworld theme. The Castle of Dawn. As if one noble castle theme wasn't enough, here's another. Beyond the Deep Blue Sea. Incredibly similar to the FF7 submarine theme, by some odd coincidence. As I Feel, You Feel. Another one I made myself, because I collect midis of forest themes. I couldn't find this one anywhere. Waltz Clavier. Heehee... poor Faris. ;) Go Go Boco! Or Boko... whatever. He's one cool bird. The Land Unknown. Yet another cool overworld theme. Book of Sealings. An eerie theme played in the sealed castle. Intention of the Earth. A second dungeon theme. Searching for Light. The theme for the second part of the last dungeon. The Decisive Battle. An Exdeath battle theme. The Last Battle. Gee, I wonder what this is? The Silent Beyond. The music for the first part of the ending. Dear Friends. The second part of the ending. Final Fantasy. The third part of the ending... and the point at which I found myself a bit teary-eyed... The New Origin. The music during the (incredibly cool) credits sequence. Prelude. Actually, it's hard to call it a prelude when it comes after the game's finished. But it's the FF Prelude. Fanfare 1. The music that plays whenever the party gets something really cool. Fanfare 2. Actually, I don't remember hearing this... I'm a Dancer. Heehee... Butz is such a dork when he tries to dance. :D This is another midi I made out of boredom. Piano Lesson 6. Heh heh... I think I get as much satisfaction from finding the pianos as I do a new job class. Piano Lesson 7. One more to go, and then I will be a Piano Master! *poses like Ash* Piano Lesson 8. You know, it's too bad it's not that easy to learn to play the piano in real life... Opening Theme. Well, the narrative part, anyway... Opening Credits. Ah, the memories this one brings up... Vicks and Wedge and Terra marching through the snow. The Mines of Narshe. Awakening. Personally, I think this is more Terra's theme than Terra's Theme is. :P Locke. Weirdly enough, I never thought this music really summed him up... Battle Theme. Don't you just love these? Fanfare. Not to mention these. ;) Edgar and Sabin. That castle has got to be one of the coolest I've ever seen... Kefka's Theme. This is probably my favorite video game music of all time. Mt. Kolts. The Returners. 'Nuff said... Shadow. This really grew on me. Troops March On. Song for the Empire's Army. Cyan's Theme. Cyan is one of my favorite characters, and his music just fits him perfectly. The Unforgiven. A tense theme. The Phantom Forest. One of my favorite scenes, since Cyan is one of my favorite characters... Phantom Train. Rounding off the "one of my favorites" stretch, this is one of my favorite video game music pieces of all time... so why can't I find a perfect midi of it?! Wild West. Music from the Veldt. Gau. Such an underrated character... maybe because he was underdeveloped? :P The Serpent Trench. Kids Run Through the City Corner. The default town music. Under Martial Law. The theme for the occupied towns Celes. Pretty remix of the opera music. Save Them! A heroic theme... The Decisive Battle. The boss battle theme. Metamorphosis. Plays when something major's going down... Terra's Theme. Somehow I can never find a midi that has quite the same feel as the original, but this one's pretty close. Coin Song. Music from Edgar and Sabin's flashback. Techno de Chocobo. I've almost got all the chocobo themes now... whew! Forever Rachel. Ah, poor Locke... Slam Shuffle. Played in Zozo. Spinach Rag. From the auction house and the opera house. Overture. From the opera. Aria de Mezzo Caraterre. (Yes, I know all the words too.) Duel. Anyone know if this is the real title of this song? I don't have the actual soundtrack... yet. Grand Finale? Music from when you fight Ultros in the Opera House. Setzer. Doubles as the first airship theme. Johnny C. Bad. From the coliseum. The Empire "Gestahl". From the town of Vector. Devil's Lab. The music from the Magitek factory. Blackjack. One of the airship themes. ?? Played in all the... oddly amusing scenes. Mog's Theme. Mog just plain rocks, and that's all I have to say. ^_^ Stragos. And here I was thinking it was just a town theme... Relm's Theme. Okay, so everyone but me hates her. I don't care. Another World of Beasts. Theme from the Esper World. Floating Continent. Catastrophe. Plays in many defining moments during the game. The Fierce Battle. The Atma Weapon's battle music, in my opinion, was the best in the game. (Yes, I liked it better than even Dancing Mad.) Rest In Peace. Game over theme. Dark World. World of Ruin overworld music. The Day After. The World of Ruin town theme. Searching for Friends. Another airship theme. Gogo. Thanks to J. Parish, I will always think of this as "worm guts music". :P Epitaph. Theme for Setzer's poor girlfriend, Daryl. The Magic House. Jidoor in the World of Ruin... I always really liked this one. Umaro. Cracks me up for some reason... Fanatics. Man, I hated this tower... until I learned the Vanish/X-Zone trick. ;) Dancing Mad. The final battle, and one of Uematsu's most impressive works. Ending - Character Medley. Listening to this late at night was what inspired me to write Animals... Prelude. Opening. Bombing Mission. Mako Reactor. Anxious Heart, the theme from Nibelheim. Tifa's Theme. Self-explanatory. Barret's Theme. Likewise. Hurry!. Countdown theme, sort of... Lurking in the Darkness. A sneaky theme. Shinra Company. Buncha stiffs... Fighting. The battle theme. Fanfare. A true classic! Flowers Blooming in the Church. Another version of Aeris's Theme. Turks Theme. Underneath the Rotting Pizza. Possibly the most disturbing name for an FF track. Oppressed People. The theme from Wall Market. Honeybee Inn. Another one that cracks me up... Mukki! O_o;;; Also played in the Mog game I think... Who Are You? No, this isn't that old song, this is the one from FF7. ^_~. Don of the Slums. That guy was such a jerk, ack! Infiltrating Shinra Tower. Still More Fighting. Boss battle theme. Red XIII's Theme. Very, very similar to the Cosmo Canyon theme. Crazy Motorcycle Chase. Heh, I was getting flashbacks of Akira during this part... Holding My Thoughts in My Heart. Played at the gates of Midgar, and also on the way to North Corel. FFVII Main Theme. I vastly prefer the orchestral version, but what the heck... Ahead On Our Way. Town theme. Good Night, Until Tomorrow. Bedtime! On That Day, 5 Years Ago. Rather depressing remix of the main theme... Farm Boy. Theme from the chocobo stables. Waltz de Chocobo. Hehehe... Electric de Chocobo. How can anyone not find this amusing? Cinco de Chocobo. I gotta wonder how long Uematsu can keep this up. (He has a good one in FF8, by the way. Heehee!) Chasing the Black-caped Man. (Hey, aren't we all? ^_~) Looks more like a trenchcoat to me, but if he wants to call it a cape, well, he's got the Black Materia, after all... Fortress of the Condor. The battle theme of the Fort Condor battle... but is it just me, or does it kinda sound like something that sounds more like it would come from FFT than FF7? Either way, it's pretty cool. Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony. This can be summed up in three words: Heh heh heh! It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It? Another midi that always cracks me up. Trail of Blood. The scene in Shinra HQ where this played set it as some of the creepiest game music ever... J-E-N-O-V-A. Pretty close behind Kefka's music I think, as far as "ultimately cool villain music" goes. Requiem. Those lousy imps! ...Er, wait... Costa del Sol. Mark of the Traitor. Sort of another Barret theme. Mining Town. Plays in North Corel. Gold Saucer. Heh, this makes me think of my renaissance faire days for some reason. Cait Sith's Theme. It's so darn catchy! Sandy Badlands. Played in Corel Prison. I'm sorta surprised I never found a midi of this before. Valley of the Fallen Star. The theme from Cosmo Canyon. Lifestream. Plays in Bugenhagen's planetarium. The Great Warrior. Seto's theme. Descendant of the Shinobi. Yuffie's Theme... it's so cute.. ^_^ Those Chosen by the Planet, commonly known as Sephiroth's theme. The Nightmare Begins. I must learn to play this on guitar! Cid's Theme. And yet again... Steal the Tiny Bronco. Wutai. Materia Mountain. Hehehe... Racing Chocobos - Place Your Bets. Ooookay... Fiddle de Chocobo. Chocobo remixes - gotta catch 'em all! A Great Success. Hah! That takes me back. Tango of Tears. Only a little different from the above... Debut. From the play at the Gold Saucer. It's so much fun to mess that play up... ^_^ Interrupted by Fireworks. Very romantic... usually playing when I write my fanfic. The Forested Temple, aka Temple of the Ancients. I really like this one too, so much I once had it running on a loop for about 2 hours. ^,^ You can Hear the Cry of the Planet. From the City of the Ancients. Aeris' Theme. Self-explanatory. Buried in the Snow. Gah, that part of the game annoyed me. The Great Northern Crater. The second overworld theme. Reunion. A pretty piece of music, for such an ominous aspect of the game... Who Am I? Finally found out what this song was called! Shinra Army Wages a Full-Scale Attack. Weapon Raid. Speaking of ominous... funny though, it played during the scene of the game that made me laugh the hardest. Heh, that Cid... Highwind Takes to the Skies. Every game's got an airship theme... A Secret Sleeping in the Deep Sea. Music when you're riding the submarine. Parochial Town. Bone Village, if I remember correctly. Off the Edge of Despair. Sigh... Poor Cloud. On the Other Side of the Mountain. Cloud's Lifestream flashback was one of the most perfectly executed moments in RPG history, I do believe. Hurry Faster! Plays in tense moments, and the battle arena if I remember correctly. Sending a Dream into the Universe, a version of Cid's theme. Countdown. Shinra #26 takes off! If You Open Your Heart... The peaceful music from Fort Condor. Mako Cannon is Fired - Shinra Explodes. Youch... Judgement Day. The last dungeon... reminds me oddly of FFIV. Jenova Absolute. Battle theme for Sephiroth's mommy. I quite enjoyed beating the crud out of her. ;) Birth of the God. A Sephiroth battle theme... awesome! (Kinda reminds me of Laguna's, too...) One-Winged Angel. The final battle... Great although a midi can't do the original justice. It's just not the same without a choir singing along and all. World Crisis. I really have to admire whoever made a midi of this entire piece. That's dedication! Staff Roll. Finally, the familiar old FF theme! I waited the entire game for that song... Balamb Garden. A very pretty, peaceful bit of music... Blue Fields. The main overworld theme. Don't be Afraid. This is the battle theme... love it! SeeD. The military theme, I guess you could say. Starting Up. An ominous theme. Force Your Way. The boss battle theme. The Loser. Game over... Never Look Back. I seem to recall this being a theme while you're escaping something. Breezy. Shuffle or Boogie. Card game theme (which I'm addicted to). Makes me think of Zozo... a LOT. Waltz for the Moon. I just love this piece... probably my favorite Eyes On Me variant. Tell Me. Plays during the scene with Squall and Quistis at the training center. Fear. A dungeon theme. Can't recall which. The Man With The Machine Gun. Hooray for my bishounen! ^,^ Julia. A heart-breakingly beautiful version of Eyes On Me. Roses and Wine. So sweetly romantic... Junction. Timber Owls. Vaguely reminds me of something funny, but I don't recall what. Good thing it's the theme for something funny anyway. ;) The Mission. Plays during the train mission, and some other scenes. And for some reason I'm absolutely crazy about it. Cactus Jack. The Galbadian national anthem... Which for some reason is named after a wrestler? :P Under Her Control. The rather odd music from Deling. Only a Plank Between One and Perdition. I have no clue what that's supposed to mean, but I've loved it since I first heard it. A Sacrifice. Darned creepy. Intruders. One of the few songs on the OST I hate, just because it played in the sewer scene, and... is it just me, or do all video game sewer scenes suck? Xenogears certainly had an annoying one as well. Premonition. All the scenes surrounding the time where this played were so intense I don't think I even really heard it... Fragments of Memories. The music from the Winhill flashback, and a few other places. Also, my first midi that I've been happy enough with to actually post! Jailed. Ami. Sort of a thoughtful theme, I suppose. Drifting. Incredibly depressing, especially if you know where it plays. ODEKA ke Chocobo. O_o;; I can't wait to see why on earth this exists. Heehee... and yes, it's capitalized that way on the OST. The Oath. Plays when Squall gives his speech, and also at the Sorceress Memorial, I believe... Slide Show Part 2. I just about busted a gut laughing at this part! Love Grows. Another Eyes On Me variant. The Salt Flats. Trust Me. Plays in several scenes, the most memorable (for me) being the flashback of Laguna in the lab... with that cute little moomba... =) Sequenced horribly by myself. Eyes On Me. Faye Wong's FF8 love song. I got this midi from Fayecination. Mods de Chocobo. Yes! Another chocobo theme, and it's really catchy! Ride On. This piece is just awesome. It's like Uematsu took the best parts of airship themes from all the other games and made one supercharged theme for FF8's best mode of transportation! Compression of Time. Some of the most absolutely fitting game music I've ever heard. The Castle. Final dungeon theme. The Legendary Beast. Second part of the final boss battle. The Extreme. The final final boss theme. And may I say that anyone who thinks Uematsu's lost his touch is clearly on crack. Even OWA never brought tears to my eyes like this track. The Successor. Played during the first part of the ending. The Place I'll Return to Someday. The title screen music, meaning that it's the first thing you hear when you put in the game. (Other than the PSX logo bit, obviously...) Quite lovely. The Skies of Alexandria. Part of the whole "opening sequence" thing. Vivi's Theme. Watching him walk around bumping into stuff and falling down with this playing was just too perfect. :D Vamo' alla Flamenco! Plays during the "dueling" scene near the start... which I could have done all day. :D Lindblum. So do all towns have their own theme music in this game? Hey, I won't complain! Ukelele de Chocobo. Yep, yet another one! This is the music that plays when you're riding the chocobo. Overworld Theme. For once, an overworld theme I didn't get too tired of... Battle Theme. Okay, so it's not an Uematsu battle theme... I still like it. Boss Theme. Rocking again! Level Forest. I kinda liked that place... Tristam. Heh heh... Fireburg. This midi is why I even started a Mystic Quest midi section. ^_^ Aquaria. Brings back memories... Mine. At least, that's what I saw this titled as. I remember the music, but not where it played. :P Mountain of Gusty Wind. Volcano. This just rules. Focus Tower. The more I think about it, the more I think Mystic Quest was incredibly underrated. Final Dungeon. Another great theme! This game's soundtrack just plain rocked. Bland Logo. Plays during the opening. Character Introductions. Plays while you're hearing the story at the start of the game. Tutorial. Heheheheh, Professor Daravon rules! Main Character's Theme. Algus's Theme. Oooooh, I hated that little snot. Ovelia's Theme. Sweegy Woods. That is probably the weirdest name for a place I've seen in any RPG so far. Yes, even weirder than Zozo. Dorter Trade City. Lots of battle themes here, but they're remarkably well-composed... Antipyretic. Plays during the battle at Golgorand Execution Site. Bervenia Free City. Riovanes Castle. |
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