Chapter Fifty
The weeks following the ordeal were long and agonizing ones. Midgar had been completely demolished, between the Weapon's attack and the conflict between Meteor and Holy, and tens of thousands who were unable to get clear were dead. The lucky ones who had been evacuated early were the only survivors, and it was rare among them to see a family untouched by tragedy. Mothers became childless, children became orphans, and newlyweds were torn apart before their lives together had even had a chance to begin. A few hopeful search parties returned to Midgar, hoping to find more survivors, but each team came back empty-handed, until finally the city was abandoned altogether, left to decay until the planet reclaimed it as a part of itself once more. Those who still lived gradually migrated towards Kalm, and though they were few compared to the number of those who had died, Kalm was unprepared to support such a drastic population increase.
Amidst all the chaos and loss, however, hope was not lost. Reeve stepped forward to address the refugees' concerns; as he had been the Midgar city planner, he understood the needs of a booming population, despite the fact that Shinra had always told him to ignore those needs in favor of their own profits. The mayor of Kalm quickly learned how insightful Reeve was without their badgering, and the two of them began to formulate a plan to compensate for the influx of refugees.
The others who had been a part of AVALANCHE stayed in Kalm for some time as well, helping to build houses and restore some semblance of order to the small village. Without Shinra's Mako energy, the coal mines had to be reopened, but the monsters that Shinra's reactors had created still remained. Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent cleared them out, and Barret was just the man to oversee the reopening process. Once Kalm's mines were open again, he said, he was going back to North Corel to see if he could do the same.
Cid spent his time using the Highwind to transport supplies from other parts of the world, keeping the refugees fed and clothed, while Red became a sort of spiritual leader among them. Most of the people didn't understand the smallest part of what had happened above Midgar that night, and so he spent much of his time explaining Bugenhagen's teachings to them, speaking of the planet and the Lifestream, and the unceasing cycle of spirit energy. Kit saw the effects of this firsthand; although she still didn't have even the faintest memory of what her previous life had been like, the knowledge she'd once had as a doctor of psychology remained in her, and she'd taken to counseling the more distraught refugees. Many of them took Red's words as a great comfort, and it helped them to deal with the loss of their loved ones.
Yuffie was the only one among the members of AVALANCHE who didn't stay in Kalm to help with the refugees. Initially she claimed she couldn't stay in one place too long, that she had to continue her quest for materia, but after several of the others had berated her for her selfishness, she finally admitted that she really just wanted to go back to Wutai. "After all this," she told them with uncharacteristic gravity, "it just seems like I've been taking a lot for granted, you know? I mean, there's all these little kids that lost the only home they ever knew, and some of them lost their parents too... This kid I saw the other day was crying 'cause he's never gonna see his dad again. And as much as my dad cheeses me off most of the time... well..." After an admission like that, no one could really accuse Yuffie of being selfish.
At least, not until a few minutes later, when she asked Cloud if she could take all the materia back with her. Even so, Cloud just smirked and let her have it, and the others agreed. The fighting was over - they had no need for it, nor did anyone else in Kalm.
After Yuffie had departed, only eight spheres of materia remained in Kalm: the ones that were placed in the hilt of the Masamune. It was Kit's little secret that she'd kept it, hidden away in a closet in the house she now occupied, only to be brought out when no one else was around. As her child grew within her, the absence of his father became more painful, but at least she had the sword and the ring around her finger to remind her. Somehow, whenever the pain seemed too much to bear, it was enough to hold the sword, to place her fingers just as his had been placed. If she closed her eyes, she could almost feel his hands closing over hers, correcting her grip and steadying her hands on the hilt.
Weeks stretched into months, and life in Kalm became more stable. Seeing that the situation was under control, Barret took Marlene and returned to North Corel to get started on their mines. Cid began to spend more time at home in Rocket Town, though he literally swore up and down that it had nothing to do with Shera. The others were all still present six months after the final battle, when the time finally came for Kit's son to be born.
Outside her room in the makeshift hospital that had been set up, her cry of pain reached Cait Sith's sensitive electronic ears, and the moogle stopped its worried pacing. "Is this natural, do you think?" he asked Cloud. "She sounds like she's in real pain, and she's been in labor now for six hours..."
"How would I know?" Cloud replied irritably. "It's not like I'm a midwife. I don't know anything about children." Obviously nervous, he turned and stared out the window as he had been doing for most of the day.
"What about you and Tifa?" Red asked him, trying to change the subject. He'd been sitting patiently by the door the entire time, the twitching of his tail the only sign of his anxiety. "Do you suppose you'll have children?"
"Tifa and I..." Cloud sighed. "There's a lot I have to sort out before I can even consider it." Another anguished cry came from inside the room, and Cloud clenched his fists at the sound. Reeve knew exactly what he was wondering - what kind of child would this be?
In a chair in the corner, Vincent was calmly reading a book, apparently ignoring the commotion in the next room, and the tension of those around him. Only someone with sharp eyes - or someone as desparate for distraction as Reeve was - would have noticed that since Vincent had seated himself in that chair, hours ago, he hadn't turned a single page.
Back in his office, Reeve sighed, wondering why Vincent was there at all. He probably knew more about what Kit was going through than any of them, and yet he did nothing. The man was too distant for Reeve to feel comfortable asking why. Reeve would have been there himself, offering Kit what comfort he could, if he hadn't had so much work to do. As much work as had been done already, there were hundreds of people still living in temporary houses and tents all around the outskirts of town. He couldn't get away from the office in good conscience, but at least he could be there by remote control.
More cries of pain came from within the room, and Cait cringed along with Reeve. "Why do women ever agree to have children?" he exclaimed. "She sounds like it's nearly killing her..."
"It's not, or we'd hear Elmyra and Tifa calling for a doctor," Cloud stated calmly. Doctors were in high demand in Kalm, and couldn't be spared for something as routine as the birth of a child, but luckily Aeris's mother had some experience as a midwife, during her time in Midgar. Kit was in as capable hands as she could be, and they all knew that, but even Cloud's face grew a little paler as her screams grew louder. Still, he refused to look away from the window.
Suddenly the tension in the room was snapped, as Vincent slammed his book closed and stood. Ignoring everyone's startled glances, he strode over to the door to Kit's room and went inside.
"I'm pushing, I'm pushing!" Kit sobbed. "You don't have to... keep telling me." As the spasm passed, she lay back on the bed, gasping for breath. "Please, tell me, Elmyra," she whispered wearily. "How much longer do you think it'll be?"
"I couldn't say," Elmyra replied from the end of the bed, giving Kit an encouraging pat on the ankle. "The contractions seem to be coming faster, and that's a good sign. It shouldn't be much longer now."
"I keep wondering... if I'm going to die..."
Elmyra chuckled. "You won't die," she said gently. "Even if this child is taking his time, I've heard other women say the same thing. All of them are alive and... well, the last thing I knew, they were," she amended quickly, with a sigh. "With what happened to Midgar, I can't say what's become of them now... but they survived to raise beautiful children, and so will you. I promise."
That might have made Kit feel better, if not for what Vincent had said to her months ago, about Lucrecia's hard labor. Even if it apparently hadn't caused her death, it had come close. Kit hadn't mentioned that, and how could she? Elmyra already knew who the child's father was, and what he'd done, and as much as it must have pained her, she'd been nothing but helpful. Kit didn't want to hurt her by bringing the issue of her baby's father up again.
"Hang in there," Tifa said with a smile, bringing a damp cloth for her forehead. The water was more lukewarm than cool by this time, and Kit opened her mouth to tell Tifa not to bother - but the only sound that escaped was a strangled cry of pain as another contraction hit.
Though her eyes were squeezed shut, Kit heard the soft sound of the door opening, and felt Tifa jerk upright in surprise. "Vincent?" the girl said in amazement.
Kit opened her eyes to see him nodding gravely as he came to stand at her right hand. "Vincent..." she murmured. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but she only had the breath to ask one. "Why?"
"I could not be with Lucrecia and her child when they needed me," he said quietly, taking her hand in his good one. "At least I have another chance with her grandson."
She couldn't help herself - she started to cry. His loss was nearly the same as hers. "Vincent..."
He squeezed her hand. "I know."
In Vincent's terminally calm presence, Kit found herself more relaxed, and her labor seemed less excruciating than it had been. As Elmyra had predicted, it was not long before the baby was born, and Kit fell back on the bed, exhausted, as the woman exclaimed her congratulations. "Your son is beautiful, absolutely perfect!"
Kit smiled vaguely, dreamily, and she realized she was incredibly relieved that her child even appeared normal, much less perfect. There was so much she didn't know about Jenova... "He'd have to be," she whispered. "Can I see him...?"
"Just a second, let's wash him first." Kit heard the sound of water swishing as Tifa poured some water into a basin. "Strange, he's not made a sound at all," Elmyra murmured, "but he looks perfectly healthy... maybe I should-" Her voice cut off suddenly. "Oh my..."
Kit's heart leaped into her throat. "What is it?"
"It's... nothing bad, I think," Elmyra said quickly, as Vincent helped Kit sit up to see. "When I placed him in the water, his eyes opened... and... well, they're..."
Tifa was smiling down in wonder. "They're beautiful," she finished, returning to Kit's side with a tiny wrapped bundle, which she placed in Kit's arms. "But then, I'm a little partial to those Mako eyes, I suppose..."
Pulling back the corner of the blanket, Kit got her first look at her son's face. Wisps of pale, silvery hair covered his head. The nose and lips were small and fine, and even so young, they seemed slightly familiar. When his eyes opened to look at her, she caught her breath. His eyes were aquamarine, as both hers and Sephiroth's had been, and as luminous as any SOLDIER's. "He looks... he looks just like his father..." He even seemed to have that intent way of looking at her, and her eyes filled with tears again.
Vincent was peering down at the face as well, as close to astonished as Kit imagined he could look. "He does," he agreed, reaching out to stroke the baby's cheek with one finger. "He looks very much like his father did."
"I'll go tell everyone," Tifa said with a grin, and she vanished through the door to the waiting room, where Kit could hear the excited voices of the others.
"So, what will you name him?" Elmyra asked Kit. "Had you picked out a name already?"
"No, not really. I never even thought about it much," Kit realized. "I don't think I ever really believed this day would come..."
Tifa stuck her head back into the room, and Kit glanced up. "Kit, they're wondering if they can see him...? Or are you too tired?"
"No, I'm fine." Looking back down into the bright eyes of the child in her arms - her own flesh and blood - she wished Sephiroth could be there, to look into those eyes that were the mirror images of his own, to share the moment.
The door opened again, and Cait Sith's ridiculous stuffed moogle bounced in excitedly, followed by Cloud, Tifa, and Red. "How are you feeling?" Red asked carefully.
"Exhausted," she said, forcing a grin, "but not too bad."
"Boy, I bet you're even gladder that that's over with than I am," Cait's jovial voice exclaimed. "Whew!"
"Part of Sephiroth lives on, in him. Keep him safe, and that part of him will stay with you, forever."
Cait's words from that terrible time in the crater returned to her, and she smiled. Even if Sephiroth wasn't there in the flesh, it was plain to see in the face of her son that Cait's words were true. Part of him did live on, perhaps the best part of him, the innocence he'd lost reborn in his son.
"You're still my angel, aren't you? You're watching over me..."
As they gathered around to see the newborn baby, Kit decided. "Everyone... meet Gabriel."
Cait glanced curiously at her. "That's an unusual name..."
"Perhaps," she told him, "but a fitting one, for my little angel."
To the intro.
© 1998-2000 by Andrea Hartmann.
That means it's mine, not yours!