Chapter TwentySeven
Kit remained alone for the day it took the party to pass through the forest to the Temple of the Ancients. As long as she stayed with them, no one questioned her or approached her, which was exactly how she wanted it. She could feel Sephiroth's presence ahead somehow, just as she had in Nibelheim, and she both craved it and dreaded it. She had to get away from the group, so that he would come to her... he had to be drawn out. But first, she had to have someplace to go.
I know how to take you away... Just listen -
"Shut up," Kit muttered bitterly as Cloud, Aeris, and Red went forward to enter the Temple. The others looked back at her oddly, except for Vincent. His look was more sorrowful than anything, and it only worsened Kit's mood.
Soon Cloud used the PHS to report back to Barret what they'd suspected. Shinra had gotten there first, and Cloud had managed to get the Keystone from Tseng, who was still inside and injured severely. Sephiroth was in there too.
Kit could have told them that from a mile back in the forest, but the others seemed surprised.
Another report came in shortly after. There were odd little creatures that inhabited the Temple, that Aeris said were the spirit bodies of the Ancients, and she was able to talk to them. A third report told the party outside that Sephiroth had been talking about becoming one with the planet. "And it's going to end here," Cloud swore over the little radio. "Today, he's finally going to die. I'll kill him. I swear it."
Kit's heart constricted painfully, but she said nothing. Instead, her thoughts whirled faster. If she could just get away from the group... he'd promised he would come to her. Maybe it was foolish to hope - he did have an objective here, and he probably wouldn't rest until he'd gotten it - but he had promised. She kept repeating that to herself in her head, desperately. If only she knew where to go...
So stubborn. Listen to me, and I can-
"No! You're not even real," Kit whispered, trying to shove the voices back down. Imaginary voices in her head couldn't save him. Or were they imaginary? Kit shook her head, steadfastly refusing to admit there might be a possibility.
Another report came in. They'd found the room Sephiroth was in, and they were leaving the PHS switched on so the rest could hear what was going on down there. Kit's heart beat faster at the sound of his voice coming over the crackly airwaves.
"So cold. I am always by your side. Come..."
Was he talking to her, Kit wondered? What was cold? She realized with a start that she herself was shivering.
The voices in her head laughed. Aren't we presumptuous?
If she'd needed any proof the voices weren't real, that was enough. She shut them out firmly and concentrated on what was going on in the basement of the Temple.
"Splendid." Sephiroth's voice again. "A treasure house of knowledge..."
"I don't understand what you're saying!" came Cloud's angry response.
Sephiroth just laughed, and then there was a long pause before he spoke again. This time, his voice was lower, almost reverent. "Look well."
"At what?!" Cloud shouted.
"At that which adds to the knowledge of..." His voice trailed off, and then he spoke again. "I am becoming one with the planet. Mother... it's almost time... soon... we will become one."
His voice was filled with wonder, as greatly as it had on that night... Kit swallowed hard. Cloud would attack at any second, certainly. Or Sephiroth would. What could she do?
"That guy belongs in a #$&% nuthouse," Cid said in disgust beside her. He dropped the butt of a cigarette and then glanced over at her in surprise. "Well, you said it yourself, he's mad."
"Yes..." Kit couldn't force any more words than that through her clenched teeth, and Cid stepped away as if he'd been meaning to anyway.
Aeris's voice came crackling over the PHS. "How do you intend to become one with the planet?" she asked, almost sounding as if she were scolding a naughty child.
"It's simple," came his response. "Once the planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury. ...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the planet?" he asked in a trembling voice. "Think of how much energy would be gathered!" His voice broke off into laughter. "And at the center of that injury, will be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with all the energy of the planet, I will become a new life form, a new existance. Melding with the planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a god, to rule over every soul."
Tifa's fists had clenched until her fingernails drew blood, and Barret was cursing wildly, as Kit swayed and fell to her knees. During those days she'd spent with him, early on in her adventure, she'd been able to discern he had something in mind to increase his power, and that it was unwholesome, but a god? Threatening the very life of the planet? Cloud and the others wouldn't stand for that kind of a threat... any second now, they'd attack. She had to do something. She would give anything, just to know what to do.
Is that finally true?
Kit put her head in her hands helplessly. "Are you real?" she asked. She was desperate enough that she'd welcome advice from anywhere.
Stubborn girl. The words were touched with amusement. Of course I'm real. There is a way to get off this island by yourself. You just need my help.
"Fine," she said quickly. "What is it? What do I do?"
Her skin began that odd tingling again. Open yourself to me.
I will guide you. Go to the west.
Kit stumbled to her feet and took off towards the sunset. "Hey, what are you-" Yuffie began to call out, but before the others could turn to look, Kit was in the cover of the trees, running almost blindly.
You still cling to humanity. The voice was disapproving. I see your body is weak, and all because you consider yourself one of them.
The voices were right. Her sickness was returning, and in her dizziness she tripped over a large branch. "Help me!" she murmured, as she tried unsuccessfully to push herself back up from the ground. "I have to save him! I love him... What do I do?"
The leaves of the bushes that surrounded her blurred into a mass of green, and then everything went dark. I will show you now, the voice said as she fell backwards in time, into a memory.
To Chapter TwentyEight.
To the intro.
© 1998, 1999 by Andrea Hartmann.
That means it's mine, not yours!