Mission - Joining - Members

What is the PDC, and what do we stand for?

How does one become a part of this madness?

E-mail Robert Silvers to join. You can choose from these positions or make up your own.

1. Secretary
2. Chief Advisor
3. Advisor to the Chief
4. Bad Enough Dude to Save the President

List of current members:

President: Robert Silvers
Vice President: Colonel Zippo Kanaza
Treasurer: Dragon Fogel
Head of Security: Jeremyguy
Professor of Daravonics: Onsen-Mark
Head Lackey: Elena/Rinoa
Seeker of Odd Translations: Elendil
Babelfisherperson: Red XIV
Tactical Organizer: Alucard
Enforcer: Psycho Cid
X-Ray Technician: Foxtrot X-Ray
Master tat is Web: Ellcrys
Tat Tat Is Tat: Bugen
Official MSTer: Koban the Ninja Kat
Terrolist Leader and Priest of The Daravon Word tat are Holy: DarkMoogle
Person Who Acts Like Daravon: Dekar the katanabard
Official Typo Nitpicker: ChocoMog ZERO
Me is a winner!: MechaJoe
Pyrotechnician of the PDC: Shaun Lazarte
Head of Daravon Corps: Drakara
Treasure Hunter: Dark Eternal
Class of Daravon's Assistant: Dark shadow
Trainee: Queen Asura
Chief Hedgerow Engineer: Biff Slamkovich
Bad enough Tat to save the President: Paul Martin
Official Sanrio Dealer: AerisRose
That One Guy, Y'know, That Guy: Bucho
Prettiness Consultant: Steve
Stealer/Treasure Hunter/Gatherer of Grammar Tat Is Bad: LC3
Student is Stu tat is dent: Sabacc
Bad Enough Dude to Take on the President in a Fist Fight: Krindor
D00d Sp34k3r-in-Ch1eF: CB!
Intern: Matt Elder
Official Harrison Ford Freak: Aimee Young
Ninja Who's Skill Is Great: KirbyStar
Yaoi Specialist: Teteiyusu Zora

"I got a good feeling!"

Theme tat is Daravon