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Fan Fiction


I have been writing since I knew how to put pencil to paper. I still have stories I wrote when I was in first and second grade in a folder in my desk.

The first section has most of my poetry from the last ten years - anything I'm not too terribly embarrased by. I think my writing style, especially poetry-wise, changed a lot because of college. This isn't because I took an English class that told me writing in rhyme is evil, but simply because the person I am changed a lot.

The second section, Peculiarities, is dedicated to those times when I need to express myself in a way other than poetry. They tend to turn into philosophical rambles on rants on things that have struck deep chords within me. Either that or they make fun of the rest of the world, another of my favorite hobbies.

The third section has the two fanfics I've written, which are also posted at GIA. If you don't play RPG ganes, then you probably won't understand all of it, but they are pretty self-contained, as some of my non-gaming friends have read and liked them

The last section is a long story. Literally and figuratively. It's the second in my trilogy of incomplete fantasy novels, and maybe when I have a little more free time, I'll get to work putting the first one up too. Or finishing them. That might be a good idea.