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University of Miami

Sigma Alpha Iota

Tau Beta Sigma

Coral Reef High School Piano

"Without music, life would be a mistake..."

Ah, where can I possibly begin to explain the most important influence in my life? Everywhere I go I have this annoying habit of singing irritating songs, and so I've always had the pleasure of dealing with rude people who think I'm a flake for singing all the time. Sadly, it's an urge I can't resist, simply because my entire life is wound around music. If you were to ask me for a moment, for a person, a place...any sort of memory, almost always the first thing to spring to mind is a song. Everything in my life traces back to music, and everything I've ever experienced has a song to go with it. It's just the way the entire world exists in my head...one big blur of songs... Yes, I know that probably makes me certifiably insane, but I promise you aren't the first person to tell me that.

The first link will take you to a brief synopsis of my career/time at the University of Miami, where I received my BM in Music Education in May 2002.

The second link will take you to the Sigma Chi chapter website (which I designed), where you can find an explanation of the women's music fraternity and a link to the National homepage.

The third link is just a directory of my band/band sorority pictures, but I'll turn it into something more presentable as soon as I have time.

The fourth link takes you to the homepage for Coral Reef High School's piano department, where I completed the first half of my internship. They are a wonderful bunch of students and a fabulous program, and the site is a great way for me to keep up with them even after I'm gone. After all, I never said this webpage wasn't entirely self-indulgent, did I?