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Previous Updates

March 13, 2002

59 days until I leave Miami forever.

Only a few more days til the premiere of the TTT trailer.

Only a month or so til Episode II.

Only a few more months til the next Harry Potter book, and a few more til the next movie.

Only 9 more months til TTT premieres.

Only the rest of my life for what I'm really waiting for.........

February 11, 2002

A new year. Well, a month or so ago. I have a lot of things in the works, so, trite as it sounds, watch this space.

It's already been five months...and yet it seems like yesterday. 89 days until I return to NY for good.

August 20, 2001

Wow, another update? O_O I was really starting to think I'd lost my way with words, but today a dear friend of mine sparked an odd little vignette.

You can find the result in the sidebar under recent. In other news, I'm insanely worried about the fate of GIA.

And I've been weirdly ill for days...shaky, dizzy, light-headed, upset stomach, insomnia...it's all very, very strange.

Thank God for Bri, Shigeo, Adrian & Jessi's virtual hugs. Maybe I can collect a real one from Michi. She gets back into town today.

I'm plotting ideas for a space story.

August 15, 2001

This is the biggest update I've done in ages. I added all of the captions for the art and friends pages, as well as a whole page of links. I also reworked the entire lyrics section for Billy Joel, and finally put his bio (and some new info!) up.

Next up on the list is to correct links in the writing section, repost Runes and perhaps the four books of Starlights I've HTMLed. I also want to create a similar section to Billy's for Dar Williams.

And I forgot to add the last update to the log. oops.

In other news, my roomie is back, so I'm now not quite so alone in my new apartment. Eli promised to take me to the anime store, too. In addition, everyone comes back to town this weekend! Party Time!

June 23, 2001

I've been working on reformatting a lot of stuff - got most of Billy, the family and art sections back in the new format, and there's some new art as well. Still, for every bit I do, I find more that I want to do!

Most of the ranting I used to do here has moved to my online journal, but for curious people with no time to read such a thing, the most important news is this: I'm going back to Miami two months early.(in 4 days to be exact) Why? A lot of reasons, but mostly that things with Deer Mt. panned out very badly, and there's not much left for me here in NY besides Lis and my family, who are all just as busy.

In Miami, at least, is my parttime job and my apartment, Civic Chorale, the beach...as well as some friends...and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also happy to be closer to my sweetheart. And that maybe I'll get to see him some this summer as an added result. And nope, I'm not going to say anything more about it for fear of jinxing. Go read my journal if you're desperate to know.

I'm creating again. Ch. 27 is near complete. Poetry, art, projects...I healed. I owe a lot of people for that(D, Mo, Merry, Andrea, Brooke, Travis), but yeah, mostly Lisa and Del...and Socks.

Because truly, cats are wonderful inspiration. They purr and they like to stare at walls. *smiles* See you on the other side. (again)

June 7, 2001 ~ Just an update to poetry

May 24, 2001
Square & weddings

May 23, 2001
An update to poetry.

May 4, 2001

May 3, 2001
The System

Today I defeated the system. This project

was assigned a month ago. I watched my classmates struggle with it, trying to be creative and do a good job planning it as if they would actually use it in the future. Whether or not I would use mine, I planned differently after watching half of them fail. I modeled every last bit of my project after our teacher's demonstration. Thus, the way to get good grades is not to think for yourself and be creative. It isn't to learn anything from the process.
It's just the process. It is simply to mindlessly follow exactly what the university teaches you, to please those who "know more than you".
System, I have defeated thee today. Victory is mine.

Who, What, Where, When, Why?(April sometime)

White roses are lovely, aren't they? And blue skies.
Hmm...this is where I'd like to be...
So I'm redesigning this site. Who am I? If you're here, you probably already know. If you're not...well, it seems that having a self-indulgent website opens yourself to being liked...or dare I say, loved by someone you have no idea exists. Is this a bad thing? Heh, not in my case. But that's another story entirely. Feel free to stick around, but mostly everything is hidden behind the scenes right now.
So I'm going home to NY this summer...maybe the universe is giving me another chance...last summer was supposed to be the best summer ever, and having mono just put me out of commission for so long...I lost myself in that haze. I think it's taken me this long to get back to where I was...something in the song of the universe wanted me to slow down and wait, though...I just know it.
Now though, with my music...and ...well...stuff I can't disclose yet, my heart is soaring to euphoria. Well, when I'm not bogged down by schoolwork. But then again, every day is a little light and a little dark, a little give and a little take, and... I'm warbling myself into waxing poetic. Nevermind. Stay tuned for a real redesign.

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are.

Billy, of course. ^_^

March 21, 2001 ~

I must be the most naïve doormat in the entire world. Now I know I truly understand the term "bleeding heart." That is how I feel right now…like a hundred knives have slashed me everywhere…and yet, here I sit, not even shedding a tear.

It's what I deserve, I suppose, for opening myself up to people…for being the kind of person I am. It's funny, how many people's lives I've changed….dramatically. I can count how many people I've guided in the right direction – towards the one they were meant to be with, and the dream they were meant to follow.

And it stands as it has always stood, that I walk alone. Many family and friends a step behind, perhaps, but no one in step with me. I thought…

One of you, no matter if you stay or go, you've damaged something that can never be repaired. You may have my heart, but you will probably never have my entire trust again.

Another of you, led me down a path, made me trust you, made me believe again…only to cut me worse than just about anyone ever could. I don't even know what to say to you.

And another of you, walked away without looking back…but I am used to that. After all, anyone that's ever really mattered to me has walked out on me or stabbed me in the back when I needed them most.

And so it's time to step out again…time to drown myself in the endless blue of the sky…….and so I leave you with this:

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

Yes…that has made all the difference…


March 1, 2001 ~ I've had this stunning realization that this is MY website. I think I originally started just to show off the fact that I could create a better webpage than my little brother. Seeing as he's now in computer science, that probably won't last for much longer.
It's been a long time since I really did something for me...since I really sat down to write, draw, create...I can't even vent to my journal anymore. Pathetic, ne? Some little spark sturggling to breathe against the hurricane that is the Music department decided I should use my website as a sounding board for all my venting. Oh, and maybe a few random obessions with random things.
If you find a lot of 404 errors, TOUGH. I'm redesigning. Why would you be reading this page anyways?

July 16, 2000 ~ I wish I had a better excuse about yet another lengthy absence, but I don't suppose having mono really counts. Even if I did have to quit my job. Even if I seem to do nothing but sleep. Onward, ho! I've been making a complete overhaul of the Friends section, since the original was merely a trial of my site layout and never was finished. It's still not done, so today's real content can be found under Muses - I've made some changes to that, too. I'll be gone again for awhile, but this time happily so. My sweetheart's coming for a visit and we're stealing off to Wildwood for a weekend. All I can say is...meow.

June 9, 2000 ~ Well, it's blisteringly hot here in NY, and tomorrow I'm going to an 8 hour outdoor concert. I must be insane. I added a few poems and prose things I've been meaning to, and will hopefully get around to updating artwork and continuing my revison of the friends section. So much to do, so little time. But that's how it always is, ne?

June 5, 2000 ~ At long last summer has returned, and with it the time to work on my website and all my writing projects. It's odd that it seems so long and so short since I've touched this page, but looking back on a year ago, I do believe a lot of things have changed.
Bastian has acquired a companion, a cat by the name of Haylie, and I'm sure you'll get to meet her eventually. My Lunar obsession has been replaced by a Chrono Cross obsession. Oh yes, and my little brother is graduating High School this month.
Is that all that's new? Not really...but there's much to be done to clean out the cobwebs here, so the rest will have to wait. Ja mata ne!
hmm...is that a clue...?

January 28, 2000 ~ Well, I've returned none the worse for the wear, I suppose, with a lot of new artwork, more of Runes (after a 6 month spell of not writing at all), and several music sections to start putting together. I'll say more later when I get the new tables together.

No Date ~ Ahem...My name is Bastian, and I am the royal assistant to the Princess of Etaria. Apparently she's been put out of commission from the combination of friends who ignore her, friends that betray her, and some video game called FFVIII. That being as it is, I've decided to take over this website. Certainly I can't be any worse a maintainer than most of the imbeciles out there in cyberland. (Yes, of course turtles know how to use computers!)

You can still send mail to tmb@thegia.com, but it's unlikely that the Princess will answer you, since she currently wants nothing to do with any Internet people. However, I would be happy to answer your idiotic questions, and flame you if if you're a moron. Have a nice day.


August 24, 1999 ~ I'm all settled back in Miami for another yummy year of college, so to celebrate, I've updated the poetry and art sections. My new Pokémania section is almost ready to launch, and update to the prose will come before that. Uh....not that anyone's even listening. ^_^;;

August 1, 1999 ~ Well, I finally added a links section, and I've got lots of other plans too...for a Pokémon section, among them. Sadly though, real life responsibilities drag me away as I go write a packing list and finish stuff for GIA.

July 31, 1999 ~ Wow...I can hardly believe tomorrow is August...this heat wave is killng me. Well, there's more Runes to read, and I've been toying with colorizing the different sections so I don't get lost in my own site. ^_^;;

July 25, 1999 ~ Waah...I'm sick and nobody cares...but out of my frustrations comes fruit - another chapter of Runes. (Just to clarify, it ain't the end)

July 24, 1999 ~ Can I just scream "argh" really loudly? Let's just say it's been one hell of a week. A new roommate, a deleted Pokémon game, camp from hell...to counteract the mess, I've written two new chapters of Runes, and added some new artwork - Luna & JigglyPuff(my latest obsession) and Ami, the main character of Runes. More later if I don't pass out from this heat.

July 19, 1999 ~ Whew...started on the Disney section today...hoping to get some artwork for Runes done soon, and also change some colors in the layout for each section. Stay tuned!

July 16, 1999 ~ Yippidy Skippidy. I've got the family bios page up, though it's nowhere near complete, and I also threw up two more funny chat logs I saved from #gia. *yawn* I think the rest of this planned update may have to wait til tomorrow...

July 15, 1999 ~ Yes, I know I'm a slacker. but I can explain! My roommate bailed on me, my new job is stressful, my brother lost his car keys...oh nevermind. The first half of the family photo album is up, as well as two more chapters of Runes. I hope to squeeze in another update tonight, and definitely tomorrow. Toodles!

July 4, 1999 ~ Happy Independence Day! One of my favorite holidays...but this year it just didn't even feel festive. I've got a massive update today: new artwork, a new chapter of Runes(the 1st since February), broken links are fixed, and a whole new section of Muses, featuring RPG heroines. Perhaps even more later tonight if I don't fall asleep first!

July 2, 1999 ~ "Put your faith in what you most believe in..." Well, I would apologize for being so busy with my new music counselor job that I haven't had a chance to update, but as this site still isn't technically open, I don't have to. nyah. Now that the weekend's arrived, I've finally moved all of Runes here, and created a section for it, along with my FFT fanfic. There's more to come this weekend, so stay tuned.

June 26, 1999 ~ All is well in Monroe, NY and I'm happier than I've been in ages. Thus, I have been newly inspired, and started putting together the music section today, most notably the U of Miami page.

June 25, 1999 ~ I finished getting the GIA section together, and I'll have a new vault going up there soon. In other unrelated news, I'm newly obsessed with the Tarzan soundtrack, and I start my new job as a music camp counselor tomorrow!

June 24, 1999 ~ Now that I actually know how to play with photoshop, I've fixed up some old art, and added some recent art...I also started putting together the section about GIA...

June 22, 1999 ~ Hey! This site isn't even open yet! Well...if you're really that bored, go take a peek at the poetry, Billy Joel or Friends sections...that's about all that's up so far! Toodles!