Thanks to Leonid Malikov for the use of this information.
See his website for further resources.

Name Price Location
Balm  $     1,000 Barselona,Bordeaux,Goa,Santo Domingo
Cat  $     2,500 Mecca,Nagasaki,Zeiton
Lime Juice  $     1,000 Algiers,Athens,Syracuse,Valencia
Pocket Watch  $     2,000 Amsterdam
Quadrant  $     4,000 Genoa,Instanbul,Lisbon
Rat poison  $     1,000 Alexandria,Antwerp,Argin,Calicut,Naples,St Domingo
Sextant  $  10,000 Alexandria,Venice
Tax-Free (ENG)  $  10,000 Danzig
Tax-Free (HOL)  $  10,000 Antwerp
Tax-Free (ITA)  $  10,000 Syracuse
Tax-Free (POR)  $  10,000 Salonika
Tax-Free (SPA)  $  10,000 Azov
Tax-Free (TUR)  $  10,000 Tripoli
Telescope  $     5,000 Istanbul,Lisbon,London,San Jorge,Seville,Tripoli
Theodolite  $  15,000 Amsterdam,Athens,Mecca