John and Lisa Leper (and their dog Spot) Chapter 1 "I hate you! You suck!" shouted the evil emperor Zorgon of Mars. "I'm sorry" said John who wasn't a leper yet. On mars Earth was like Hell. "I still hate you! Go to Earth!" yelled Zorgon. "No!" said Lisa John's wife. "Anything but that." Zorgon laughed in a relatively evil manner. "Yes. Earth." Can we live in Amsterdam? Sure. "Let's go then right now" John and Lisa and Spot their cute dog jumped in the spaceship and drove to earth. "Gosh our new amsterdamminan home is nice but I'm hungry" mused John. "Let's go to McDonalds" Said his wife Lisa. "Woof!" shouted Spot in agreement. Spot was hungry too. But he wasn't a leper. Yet. On the way to McDonalds they bought a lottery ticket. The whole family went to McDonalds and ate French Fries with Mayonaisse. They were fine till that evening when they weren't fine any more. During the day they won the lottery too. It was worth 10,000,000,000 dollars. "Eek! My ARM!" shouted John. "We need a secret martian ingredient!" "Spot." shouted John! "Go get some of the *GOOD* stuff!" "Woof!" barked Spot in agreement. Lisa said, "I'll go buy some glue!" But since they had just won the lottery and only had one check she had to spend it all on glue. Spot came back with the *GOOD* stuff. "Thanks boy!" said John. John was temporarily healed. But now the Martian's lives were forever changed. "I guess we're lepers now, guys," said John sadly. "I'll get used to it," said Lisa. "Woof!" barked Spot in agreement. "Oh well. There's always the *GOOD* stuff!" realized John. And so the exiled martians now lived in Amsterdam and were lepers. The End (For Now)