[15:50] <`Reeve> Poll: Worst Maverick Boss idea of the MMX series ever? [15:50] Thrust Dolphin. [15:50] <`Reeve> ... that's not a valid answer [15:50] ... [15:50] I know. [15:50] I just had to spam for Thrust Dolphin. [15:50] <`Reeve> You just wanted to say something with the word "thrust" in it. Sicky [15:50] *** Kuroneko_Sama is now known as ThrustDolphin [15:50] * ThrustDolphin thrusts [15:50] *** Dark_Eternal (darketerna@2atwdial79.famvid.com) has joined #fret [15:50] *** `Reeve is now known as Duckman [15:51] You thrust your pelvis! Hu! You thrust your pelvis! Hu! You thrust your pelvis! Hu! [15:51] *** Duckman is now known as `Reeve [15:51] * `Reeve hopes SOMEONE remembers that... [15:51] That is how part of how this joke was created. = b [15:51] I do. [15:51] *** ZanoK` (Z_ManoK@a0.pm3-61.theriver.com) Quit (Dont think this hasn't been fun - 'cause it hasn't!!) [15:51] o_O [15:51] What was that all about? [15:51] <`Reeve> It was in the cartoon, Duckman. [15:51] I loved that show. [15:51] *** Mister-X is now known as Mister-X|Away [15:51] Duckman :P [15:51] * Atma_W must have missed that episode [15:52] <`Reeve> It was the only dance he ever knew. He'd just say "You thrust your pelvis" and then kind of grunts as he does it, and keeps saying it over and over again [15:52] <`Reeve> It was a running gag, Atma [15:52] <`Reeve> It was in quite a few episodes [15:52] * Atma_W must have missed that running gag [15:52] * ThrustDolphin wishes they would air the show again. [15:52] Or maybe CC could pick it up. [15:52] ..I thought they were. [15:52] <`Reeve> They do, Thrust..... [15:52] CC was playing it. [15:52] When?! When?! [15:52] <`Reeve> Late nights on Comedy Central. It's part of the animation block. I think on Sunday nights [15:52] They probably kicked out Dr. Katz for it... Those bastards!! [15:53] * Atma_W liked Dr. Katz [15:53] I have found my mission in life. [15:53] * `Reeve hated Dr. Katz [15:53] *** Hawkeye has left IRC [15:53] *** Hawkeye (nmcgarrit@host-209-214-195-38.mem.bellsouth.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer) [15:53] * ThrustDolphin tolerated Dr. Katz, but would much rather have DuckMan. [15:53] J00 SUXX0R!! [15:53] * Atma_W liked the Critic better than Duckman [15:53] <`Reeve> The animation was horrible, which I can stand, if the cartoon is funny... that wasn't. [15:53] <`Reeve> I loved the Critic. And the Tick. [15:53] Its Stinks! [15:53] <`Reeve> They're both on, too [15:53] The Critic is good. [15:53] It Stinks! [15:53] Yes, DE. [15:53] *thrust* [15:54] * Atma_W wonders if he should take that cue to plug his site [15:54] :P [15:54] sorry got carried away [15:54] <`Reeve> Dr. Katz was funny once or twice per show... that really isn't enough to be on Comedy Central IMO [15:54] It's a different kind of humor. [15:54] An aquired taste, it seems. [15:54] I loved it. [15:54] DuckMan sort of fits with CC...with SP, it just makes sense. [15:55] <`Reeve> Anyway, back to my original point. The two worst contenders for worst Maverick bosses ever are.... [15:55] what ever happened to that one weird show, Home Movies [15:55] <`Reeve> *drumroll* [15:55] * Grailus never watched Duckman [15:55] Teriyaki Chicken. [15:55] <`Reeve> ....... Wire Sponge and Split Mushroom. Sponges are wussy animals that barely even move on their own, and mushrooms AREN'T ANIMALS [15:56] Not to mention Split Mushroom was a pathetic wimp. [15:56] *** Mister-X|Away is now known as Mister-X [15:56] ... [15:56] <`Reeve> Close runner up: Duckduck Goose [15:56] Sperm Whale will be a good one. Hot reploid sex! >=) [15:56] <`Reeve> ... his entire power was to duck when you fired at him. What a coward... [15:56] I see now why you work on a site soley dedicated to the Blue One. [15:56] <`Reeve> *laughs* Sperm Whale [15:57] * ThrustDolphin draws MMXxZero yaoi. [15:57] <`Reeve> Worst idea for a Maverick boss: Tit Mouse [15:57] No no no... [15:57] <`Reeve> =P [15:57] Worst idea for a Maverick Boss: Dick Nixon [15:57] >=) [15:57] Well, off to school. [15:57] Pussy Willow. [15:57] LOL! [15:57] Er, they have to be animals, Atma. [15:57] <`Reeve> Nixon isn't an animal... neither are Willows... are they? [15:57] Its a tree. [15:57] Close enough. [15:57] Well, neither is a mushroom! [15:58] <`Reeve> Oh yeah. Well, if they're gonna count a fungus... [15:58] You know what the name "Split Mushroom" reminds me of. [15:58] @.@ [15:58] ... [15:58] <`Reeve> Pussy Cat would work, but that seems redundant, what with the pussy and all [15:58] <`Reeve> ;P [15:58] UMM: I hope it's not what I think it is. [15:58] Grailus: What do you think it is? [15:58] I'm telling you, Thrust Dolphin. [15:58] * Atma_W needs to start using the phrase "what with the pussy and all" at the end of more sentences [15:59] It was an enjoyable meal, what with the pussy and all. [15:59] * `Reeve will now tack that phrase onto random sentences that don't make any sense in context [15:59] <`Reeve> I worked at the dining hall for the first time today. A lot of people wanted pretzels, what with the pussy and all [15:59] Brightens up any sentence. [15:59] Stop, stop! I can't stop laughing! [16:00] <`Reeve> Thrust can't stop laughing, what with the pussy and all [16:00] Man this room is noisy, what with the pussy and all. [16:00] * `Reeve notices that he is not opped [16:00] * ThrustDolphin types the evil of evils, LOL. [16:00] *** Atma_W sets mode: +o `Reeve [16:00] *** ThrustDolphin sets mode: +ooo Dark_Eternal Kuja Kuni [16:00] *** ThrustDolphin sets mode: +ooo Lucia Mister-X Soul4ger [16:00] *** ThrustDolphin sets mode: +o UltraMoogleMan [16:00] *** ThrustDolphin sets mode: -o Lucia [16:00] *** `Reeve changes topic to 'Welcome to #yomama (www.thegia.com/fret) || Join my channel. *grins cheezily* #f®Ët, what with the pussy and all || Shane's comic is out of hiatus. http://come.to/mcpherson || Earthbound 64 has been cancelled... =( Show your support- play Earthbound now! Mail Nintendo... || HAHE BEEBA LA REVOLUTION || Join' [16:00] Laggedy Lag [16:00] *** ThrustDolphin sets mode: +v Lucia [16:01] * Dark_Eternal hangs out on the Whiteboard [16:01] Ok, now for really going to school. [16:01] Dark_Eternal has a lot of lag, what with the pussy and all. [16:01] Scuse me, I have to reboot. [16:01] ummmm [16:01] what? [16:01] * Atma_W smacks UltraMoogleMan Did you want that song or not? [16:01] *** Mister-X (yahlord@p4As04a01.client.global.net.uk) Quit (And our late-night movie... Star Trek XII- So Very Tired." "Captain's Log: Stardate 6053. I had trouble sleeping last night... my hiatal hernia is acting up. The ship is damp and drafty... I complain but nobody listens.") [16:01] <`Reeve> Hmm... I need to phrase that better [16:01] * UltraMoogleMan smacks Atma_W. "Not anymore." [16:01] Yeah, like I could ever get a girl :/ [16:02] * Atma_W smacks UltraMoogleMan Okay. [16:02] hmm, maybe [16:02] *** `Reeve changes topic to 'Welcome to #yomama (www.thegia.com/fret) || Join my channel. *grins cheezily* #f®Ët || Shane's comic is out of hiatus. http://come.to/mcpherson || Earthbound 64 has been cancelled, what with the pussy and all... =( Show your support- play Earthbound now! Mail Nintendo... || HAHE BEEBA LA REVOLUTION || Join' [16:02] <`Reeve> There we go [16:02] ... [16:02] <`Reeve> =P [16:02] There was pussy in Earthbound 64? J00 SPOILED ME!!!! [16:02] *** FishinBoo (alf@pm531-15.dialip.mich.net) has joined #fret [16:03] * `Reeve directs FishinBoo's attention at the subject line [16:03] Join... what? [16:03] ??? [16:03] <`Reeve> ...... Never mind, what with the pussy and all [16:03] ... okay. [16:03] Nah. [16:03] FishinBoo couldn't care less, what with the pussy and all. [16:04] <`Reeve> I still think Tit Mouse is a lot better than any of the others [16:04] Join, what with the pussy and all [16:04] what's with all the pussy lately? [16:04] <`Reeve> Noble effort with Sperm Whale though [16:04] I don't know, what with the pussy and all. [16:04] I feel a lot of pussy in this room. [16:04] ... [16:04] Wait.. [16:04] Hmm. [16:04] You do? [16:04] *** Shastao (taffer@apx-1-104-56k.portsmouth.zoomnet.net) has left #fret [16:04] Only with you, big boy. [16:04] Next time, let me watch. [16:05] Is there a lot of pussy in this room to feel? [16:05] aaaaahhh, I reloaded the whiteboard and my name is still on it though' [16:05] <`Reeve> Vote: Worst name for an MMX Maverick: Tit Mouse, Sperm Whale, Jumbo Shrimp, Pussy Cat? [16:05] Sperm Whale. [16:05] Willow! [16:05] WILLOW! [16:05] <`Reeve> Willow isn't an animal, what with the pussy and all [16:05] Pussy Cat, what with the pussy and all.