#FRET LEMONDE (LOL@JOKE IT IS LEMON BUT LIKE LEA MONDE) NUMBER 3 THE LEMON OF ZELDA: LABIA MAJORA'S MASK a IRRC MURDER MYSTERIE in 3 accts by CHU-CHU proofreadfd by SELPHIE TILMITT CHAPTER ONE: THE POLT THIKENS It wsa a dark and dstormy knight in #frett and Perien was playing his neeonazi techno music when shotS RANG IOUT. Sudenely Selphie was /KILLed (Sorry Selphie!). "I'm alling the cops >__." well he did but he evetnualy bought up all of new jersey's ham uspply and had to move to Canada to find more. also he leggaly changed his name to haven an undesrscore in it. "HELLO shawn did you kill SELPHIE" asked chim "NO!" said shawn. {I did!} said his other personality. "NO YUO DIDN'T FAGORT DRAGON" {YES I DID!} "I HAET YOU" said shawn and shot himselff because the voices in hs told him too.. then falmmmie volunteered to conduct an investigation of tororth's hot ass and loccked hserlf in the closet with tororth and so the IRCops were forced to leave her behind. however flammier and tororth did have 2 beautiful childrens named nanthaniel and superfly CHAPTER ELEVEN: NARF! well that was a very tragic story i promise i will make this funny. <:O Elmina Chimerasamemasamemunemurasame and Eleleleo next showed aT ren's house. <:o XD "POOF!" said ren as she zarked <:O her poof. but it wasn't darka it was some cheesy poofs "WHAT HAVE YUO DONE with draK!?' gasped elmina. mayeb if ren had 'DISAPPEARED' drak she had done the same to Selphie "ohhh i raped him <:O" said ren. "so he went to get an aborshone." i hope that chapter was funny <:O rotflol@ me P.S. WHOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111 CHAPTER ELEVEN: A-MUSE-ING LOL chim and leeleo and elmina took a Cross-Ccoutnry Road trip from BVC towards Ontarrior. On the way they stopped at a little house in thw woods where htye found Syddney the esxy symbol and Hardin and James and somee other gugyss I don't remember (ops kain was one of them and Ithink CYAN) and sadistic lesbian lulu. oh and andrea was there of course. "Wait a second!!" said chim. "why is Luulu a sasdisctic lesbian when teh only othar person in the shack is andrea herself" CONGRATULATIONS YUO HAVE FOUND TEH SECRET HOMOEROCIT SUBTEXT AGAIN YUO GET ANOTHER 30) RUPPEES. YOU NOW HAVE 600 RUPEES AND CAN PURCHASSE THE BOW AND ARRWO. then tami oops i mean opps i mean syl ooops again i mean flik showed up. except she wasn't tami she was FILK. and andrea was Victtor. then they got on it. and BASTIAN teh NINJA TURTLE joined them for a threesome. GO NINJA GO NINJA GO!!!!! "WHOA" said chim. "Do we file this UNder YAOI or YURI????" then taaami mopred into 'hardin (NOTE: not hardin it si hardin with a qutotation mark) but hen the Transmogrifirer broke cause it was just a ccardboard box. so hardin and viktor got it on HEY WHY NOT IT SI NOT AS DUMB AS QUISITIS AND SEIFER "THIs is TOO WEIRD" said elmina. "these people couldn't have killed selphie BEACAUSE THEY ARE A FEW STARS SHORT OF A LIBERATIN ARMY" "yead no kidding EVERYONE KNOWS THAT SUIKODEN SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" and the moral of thisss chapter is sssssuikoden = teh ssssux0r.. ssssorry my sssss key issssa alll sssssssssssticky. CHAPTER ELEVEN: ANOTHR INTARLUDE Caph started a newww webcomic. It was called "LOREALI: THE Webcomic" it was just like "Wendy" except it was ABOut Lorelai and her ahvving sex with her Lover Caph. "woobaby' said capheine CHAPTER ELEVEN: SAMURAI SHOWDOWN (W/O CAPHEINE) by now the irCCops had gottne to hearst or whereve the hell b lives (DOES NE1 CARE FAGORT??????????) There they found B's Pimp House where shee pimped out all her bishhounen like Hannibal and Velvet the hot rabibt with pancakes on its head and Flip and Lady and BSQaured adn VEn. OOPS except Hannibal just ate Velvet incl. the pancakes "CAN We talk to yuo for a moment" said chim. "NO!" said clara. so they wane to talk to flipp instead but he was STILL PLAYING STRACRAFT with lepant and capheine and Darkmoogle and some other guys I forget. (playing starcraft is a ephupemism for 'felcihng'). "This is Very sucpiscious," said chim. "Why doesn't B wnat to talk to us!?!?!" in truth b didn't kill selphie because she liked selphie and especially enjoyed making Selphie feeling sexually uncomfortable. the real reason B didn't want to talk to them was because she was writing HOT harry Potter kagu ai fics in which harry has sex with his broom. but the iRCops didn't know that (ircops don't know anything lololololol). so they decided to have elmina distracter b with hot sex. so thwen they came back to B's room except B wasn't there was anymore, there was BCUBED it was a super form of B and Bsquared. "MAYEB they did the fuzzion dance," said chim. "ONLY IF FUZZION DANCE IS EUFEMISM" said B. LOLOLOLOL CHAPTER HRAIR: DENOUUEUEUEEMENT Chim and El had searched all of canada for clues but the Mystery was still not solved! "Why dont we just ask LUCAI!"said nichole, lucai's number oen fane. "SEEN MYSTERIOUS MYSTERY MURDER STRANGER" "Silver_Eclipse, I'm right here. Quit wasting my time!" "OH MY GOD LUCAI IS THE MYSTERIOUS MURDER STRANGER!!!!" "Yes it all makes senes now," said Chima the IRCop. "Luccia was Jealous that Selphiee won the bot Poll on the #fret homepage (welcome to #fret - www.thegia.com/fret) so she KILLERED Selphie in cold bolod and then FOREGD the loGS to piin the crrime on Canada. Balme canada." the mystery was solved! "HOORAY" said pokeytax who had finally sttopped materbating to Knight Ridder lameons. the IRCriminal wass arrested and given a sevvere beating by IJ who was no known as MrT and threw lucia helluva far. then rren raped her. everyonee lived happely ever after except for Jay who was still beig detained and every1 forgot about him. *** TEH END ***