Let's see... here are the languages I know in the order that they were learned:
Chinese (Mandarin): My parents speak this to me 95% of the time. I speak it
fluently to my relatives, parents, and little siblings. I've taken about 3
years of Chinese classes on Saturdays to learn the written aspect, but it never really
helped. I used to know a few hundred Chinese characters at that time, but now
I've forgotten most of them.
Taiwanese: Another language that my parents/relatives speak. I don't really
know Taiwanese very fluently. I've picked it up mostly from hearing my parents
talk to each other with this language. I can understand a majority if it's
spoken to me, but I can't speak it myself since I've never practiced.
English: Of course, I had to learn this language in order to function in America.
I learned English fairly young, probably during my preschool years. I'm the
most fluent with English, but that doesn't matter since I don't talk anyway.
Spanish: Living in Texas, I've had Spanish influence all throughout my life.
I've had classes in elementary school before, but the ones that really counted were
the 3 years I took in middle school (Spanish IA, IB, IC), and the 1 year I took in
high school (Spanish II PreAP). I quit taking this language and I've already
forgotten almost everything over the summer.
Japanese: Only within the last year or two did I start picking up this language.
I've mostly soaked some up from Japanese turtorial sites, the subbed anime I watch,
Japanese MP3s with lyrics, and around friends. I know kana pretty well, and
a few kanji. Currently, I can understand about 5-10% of the Japanese in anime
just by listening. I'm learning very, VERY slowly...
Latin: I started taking Latin this year, just to get away from Spanish, so I don't
know too much at this point. Whee.
Other Languages: Just little bits and words here and there.