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The Gaming Intelligence Agency
Name: Drakonis
D.O.B.: Dec. 29th, 1981
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Specialty: Drawing females, Final Fantasy Tactics, Mobile Suit Gundam, Sexy Commando
Yuri > Yaoi

Hello, I'm Drak. Like our good friend Perrin, i'm one of the few people 1337 enough to be named 'Joel'. I started out by randomly posting on the ffpsxboard over at RPGamer. 1997 I believe it was. Then, 3 years later, this thing called 'mirc' came to my attention. I made quite the nuisance of myself in #psxboard and #rpgamer. Fortunately, #fret was created for us unsophisticated folk. A place where we can use 1337speak and rattle off daravonisms without fear from the oppresive folk that for whatever reason enjoy sex0ring their cats.

ANYWAY! I'm responsible for that annoying bot that uses my old PSXboard nick. Sotek told us "IM LAEVGNI TIHS MASSEGE BAORD 4EVAR!!!111", so I had to create a bot to replace his. Oddly enough, despite his superior knowledge of scripting, my bot has become the channel's favorite of the two.

I plan on writing a novel of sorts called Lunafang, but for whatever reason I never get past chapter 1. I'm also a character designer. Don't hire me, I suck at deadlines and work at a pace that transcends all forms of human laziness. I usually just churn out endless variations of the same character. Never being satisfied... such is the life of an artist who contributes nothing of his talent to society.

As for my specialties.. I love drawing females. Drawing males is BORING! No curves, they're freakin' rectangles! And not cute ones like Domo-kun, but hideous brick-like abominations.

I love FFT. It's the most godly game evar! If your opinion differs, you can just stfu. I'm also a big UC Gundam fan. If you are too, please be my friend.. ;_;

"Sieg Zeon!!"

As for my last specialty. If I need to explain it, you're most likely a meso...err nevermind. We won't get into that. *cough*

BTW, I like pizza. Word.

The Negamoon