
Heh... never before had a page that got any of these. ^_^ (Of course, that's partially because I don't advertise my other sites, I'm more proud of this one.) So here's what some kind, generous people sent me...

This one is from Amnesiae...
I gotta wonder... could that lollipop do as much damage as the Masamune? ^_^ Considering who's wielding it...

This is from my friend Paul who I have been corresponding with by email for... wow. A while now. I believe this was meant as sarcasm (Gee, I wonder why I think that? And psst! He's never even played an FF game! Though he did see the opening of FFVII once...) but it definitely fits with the weird tone of the page. ^_^

Heheh... This one's from J. Parish (and as if you can't tell, we're pretty good friends ^_~). The character at the top, by the way, is how he drew me in the RPFighter FAQ, if you didn't know... Heheh, and he added me and Sephy at the bottom! What a sweetie! (Both him and Sephy, yaknow?) ^,^

For 5000 hits, I got this one from Lilia, who's the author of a fanfic I'd be very happy to host... (If you were still wondering, Lilia, there's your answer. ^_^)

This one's from LC3, and it's a bit premature, but hey - he told me I could be pretentious! Heheh... Mmm... Seifer... ;)

Here's a very unusual one from Prince Vegeta! Click the pic for the large image, it was kinda wide for this layout. ;) Heh heh... Uhm... this is kinda scary... O_o; Ah, school days... maybe if I'd had friends that made monkey references I'd have stuck around. ;)

And another hilarious one featuring that cool Seifer guy, from Kristen Smirnov! The idea of Fujin saying "WAI." absolutely kills me, ya know? =)

And they all came out in force for 20k, cause here's yet another one, from Fuzzydevil! Ah, FFVII... Sometimes I wonder if I'd even have made this page if not for a certain villain who became my muse...

I certainly wasn't expecting this one from Luke Taylor, who got the hit in question! 22,222 is a rather cool number, eh? ;)

Gah, this is just too adorable. :D Shinryuu drew me this gift for 30,000 hits, featuring my two favorite characters from FFV! Faris looks surprisingly good in overalls...