1: 1-2, 2: 3-4, 3: 5-6, 4:7 5: 8,T,CT,CS
Donald's Second Generation Parodies presents:
"We Didn't Start the Spoilers"
a parody of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire"
Band Set-up: Cait Sith on Drums, Tifa on Keys, Sephiroth on Bass, Cloud on Lead:
Guitar lead in
Cloud: [FFI] Princess Sara, TNT, Astos is an evil king,
Sea Shrine, Ice Cave, Mirage Tower's bell.
Robots in the waterfall, Matoya needs a crystal ball,
Bats are Lefins, Garland's Chaos, Time traveler.
Guitar lead
[FFII] Salamand, Mithril, master thief and ninja Paul
Pirates, Bafusk, and the White and Black Masks
Emperor's a h@!!ish fright, Lionheart's the Dark Knight
Scott and Josef, Cid and Minyu, All The Dragoons Do Die!
Chorus (Includes Tifa and Sephiroth): We didn't start the Spoilers!
They were always burning since the disc's been turning
We didn't start the Spoilers!
But we reentail 'em so we can detail 'em
Cloud: [FFIII] Rat, Medusa, Kraken, Jinn, Salamander, Goldor, Hyn
Chocobos, Crystals, Statues Magic Block
Elia, Cid and Desh, Princess Sara, Prince Alus
Moggles, Airships, Rock-Around-The-Clock
[FFIV] Gilbert, Geraldine, Baron's gotta winning team
Cecil Harvey, Paladin, Whale from a Dragon
Golbez, FuSoYa, Lunar Denziens they both are,
Prono Mag, Zeromus, Trouble on the Red Moon
Chorus: We didn't start the Spoilers!
They were always burning since the disc's been turning
We didn't start the Spoilers!
But we reentail 'em so we can detail 'em
Cloud: [FFV] Each world, can't come back, Fire destroys Karnak
King Galuf, he does die, Faris is not a guy
Weapons sealed four-by-three, Exdeath, is a tree,
Princesses are all three girls, Butz' Dad from another world
Guitar Solo
Cloud: [FFVI] Airships made by Setzer, Magicite from Espers,
Sabin, Edgar, they are the twins royal.
Shadow is Relm's Father, Doma's Poisoned Water,
Leo's killed by Kefka, Maduin's Kin is Terra!
Chorus: We didn't start the Spoilers!
They were always burning since the disc's been turning
We didn't start the Spoilers!
But we reentail 'em so we can detail 'em
Cloud: [FFVII] Nanaki, Iflana, Yuffie takes Materia
Corel, Junon, Nibelheim Invasion
Bugenhaven's Planet Tour, Seto was a Warrior,
Mako, Shinra, Cloud & Zack, Combined they are.
Hojo's Experiments, become Jenova's Puppets
Aeris Gast! Holy Blast! Killed by Sephiroth's Sword-Slash!
Chorus: We didn't start the Spoilers!
They were always burning since the disc's been turning
We didn't start the Spoilers!
But we reentail 'em so we can detail 'em
Cloud: [CT] Chrono Clone, Frog is Glenn, Time Traveling is back again
Magus, Janus, The Prophet, the same is.
Marle's Princess Nadia, Tab's password is LARA,
Future looks like compost, Zeal's controled by Lavos
[FFVIII] Party's from the orphanage, SeeDs fight against the Sorceeress.
Edea, Rinoa, controled by Ultimecia
Squall's dad is Laguna Loire, Cannot return from Disc Four,
Nine is comming through the door, I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!
smashs the guitar against the stage.
Chorus: We didn't start the Spoilers!
They were always burning since the disc's been turning
We didn't start the Spoilers!
But we may have gone, yet they still go on
And on... and on...
And on... and on...
And on... and on...
(goes into a repeating record-like sound)
We see the group stop playing as the grooves repeat
We then see the group evading rotten vegetables.
Sephiroth then pulls Masamune out and goes mad.
The other three leave the stage...