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Sephiroth vs. The Worldby Bryan "PSXLord" CarrThis is quite possibly the stupidest fanfic I have ever written. I thought this one up in about 5 minutes in gym class (yeah, like I have anything else to do in Gym ;) and thought it would be cool. Now you have to suffer...... enjoy! (Scene is set in the Northern Crater) (Scene is set at Northern Crater) (Sephy-san is watching TV) Announcer: You are watching Shin-TV. All megalomania, all the time. Announcer: Next, the Titanic.... (giggles at his own pathetic joke) ..success of Leonardo DiCaprio! (Still laughs) (Phone rings) Sephy: Hello, Northern Crater, Sephiroth speaking..... Leonardo Da Vinci: Seph, it's your buddy Leo. Have you been watching TV lately? Sephy: Duh. LDV: You've seen that punk kid DiCaprio, right? Sephy: Uh huh. LDV: That punk is replacing me as the true Leo! I made diagrams for tanks, airplanes, helicopters, and a veggie dehydrator. That kid is in a few blockbuster movies and he gets all the #$%@ing credit! Sephy: So, you are calling me for...... LDV: I want you to "settle" him. I'd do it myself, but I'm kinda dead. Sephy: Then....how come I'm talking to you??? LDV: The long distance rates are great from the Lifestream! Sephy: ...... LDV: PLEEEEAAAAASEEEEEEEE?!?!? Sephy: Any enemy of DiCaprio is a pal of mine. LDV: Thanks! (Sephy does that cool spin thing again and winds up in front of Leo's dressing room.) (A bunch of over-excited teenage girls stampede over the Seph-man) Seph: OUCH! (Brushes himself off) Seph: Excuse me, miss. Why is everybody around this room? Yuffie: Well, like duh! Leo is here and there's a chance he's changing in there! Oh my Gawd! Say....do you still have that Black Materia? Sephy: No. Yuffie: Oh man..... (Seph attempts to get through the rambunctious crowd. He is pushed back by the guards' riot gear.) Seph: (controlling guard's mind)Let me through. Guard:(zombie like) Go through. I beg of you. Seph: Thanks. (Seph enters DiCaprio's dressing room. An embarrassed Brad Pitt runs out.) LD: (singing off key) Oh, I'm in the money, I'm the brightest face in Hollywoooood! (Sephy winces) (Seph rips back curtain, Masamune in hand) Seph: Die, foul one! Leo: Eeeep. (Leo runs out in a bath towel and shower cap. Seph gives chase, swinging Masamune in the air.) Girls: OH MY GAWD!!! IT'S LEOOOOOOOO!!!! (unintelligible screaming) Leo: Awww crap! (Leo runs out the studio gates, Sephy in pursuit. Seph chases Leo and backs him into a corner. He raises the Masamune) Leo: Stop, please! Don't kill me! I'm too much of a pantywaist to die! Jack Nicholson (the Man!):Stop right there, Sephy. Leo: Mr. Nicholson! You came to help me! JN: #$%^ no! I came to bash your brains in...again. (Author-If you are a Celebrity DeathMatch fan, you know what I'm talking about) Leo: Nooooooooo! (Jack raises 3-Iron and swings. Leo ducks and the club flies out of Jack's hand, into the horizon.) Vicks: But what was cool about Crono Trigger.... Wedge: Huh? What's that noise? (The club smashes through their heads.) Mog: Oh my God! You killed Vicks and Wedge! You b******! JN: Ah, ^%$#. Finish it, Seph-dog. Seph: Ok. (Seph brings down the Masamune blade....slicing a valve which releases dry ice on Leo) Leo: AAAAAAAGH! I'll be baaaaaaaaaacccccccccckkkkkkkkk!!!!!! Seph: That was cool. (rimshot) Seph:Thank you, Mr. Skins! (Mr. Skins, aka Red XIII, with Ray-Ban shades and a sharp suit, takes a bow.) Seph: Sephy-chan in the Hoooooouuuuuussssseeee! Yuffie: Do you have the Black Materia NOW? Seph: No. Go away. Yuffie: Are you sure? Seph: Yes. Yuffie: Really sure? Seph: Positive.... (Yuffie starts giggling. Seph smacks his forehead. He fell for the oldest trick in the book.....and hopes the author gives him a shot at Yuffie.) (Author says nothing doing! ;) (Note: I didn't feel like making an intro for this one, and decided to cut to the chase. The sooner Hanson is dead, the better :) (TV Studio) Lackey: Alright, brothers Hanson. Just smile and read this script. Isaac: Ummm...what do all these words mean? Taylor: Just read it, dumb@$$. Zack: Ummm..... All 3: "I am the true chick magnet." Lackey: Huh? What the heck? That wasn't the script...... (Sephy appears) Sephy: You sorry children. Bow down to me and you will be punished less severely than the others. Isaac: OH MY GOD!!!! He's got a big @$$ sword! Taylor: So do I..huh huh.... (Sephy takes care of that) Taylor: AGGGGH! Mr. Happy!!!! Sephy: Now you will not reproduce.....thank God. Lackey: Ummm...hi. You can't kill them, 'cause they're on TV. Sephy: Oh YEAH? I was killed once and I wasn't on TV! That's not fair! Author: Umm, Seph? Sephy: Yeah, what? Author: You were on TV when you died. Remember? Sephy: Oh yeah...it's not fair dammit! (Author sighs) (Sephy's temper tantrums shakes the whole place, and a large support beam falls down.) Vicks: You know, I died once. Wedge: Yeah? (Support beam lands on V&W) Mog: Oh my God, you killed Vicks and Wedge! You b******s! Seph: Look what you made me do! All 3: Uh oh. (Sephy makes them all explode. Don't ask me why.) Seph: Geez.......now we gotta remove freakboy from the walls..... (Scene is set in a darkened disco. Loud music and funky lights abound. The Spice Girls are performing.) Spice Girls: Girl Power! (Crowd cheers. A man in a black trenchcoat sits in the corner nursing a Megalomaniac Cola, it is Sephy himself) Seph: Hmmm...they really have NO talent. Bryan (me!) was right.... Posh: It sure is empty up here... (Stage manager hooks a air compressor up to Posh's head) Posh: Whew! Thanks for the refill. Ugly...I mean Scary: Hey, the guy in the black coat is kinda cute. Baby: Gaa Gaa... Sporty: &^%$! Start talking right! Baby: &^%$ yourself!! Posh: (in funny helium voice from air compressor) Wooooo! Let's go talk to him! Seph: Whaa....they're coming up to me...... Posh: Hey handsome, what's your sign? Seph: What? Posh: You know, your symbol.... Seph: Oh.......(checks shoulder)...it's 01. Posh: Uh huh. Seph: Anyways, do you mind? Aerosmith is coming on stage. All 4: WHAT???? Seph: Aerosmith. Scary: I know what you said. I'm not dumb! Seph: No, you're in my way. I wanna watch Aerosmith! All 4: GRRRRRRR! Girl Power 4-Ever! Seph: Excuse me? Baby: You're gonna get it now! (whooooosh!) Sephy: Look. I don't wanna fight. I want to watch the concert. Sporty: We are the greatest thing in music! We even had our own video game! Seph: Yeah. I rented it because it was the only game at the video store. It sucked!!! Sporty: You're just jealous. Seph: Nuh uh. I have a game too. Ever heard of Final Fantasy 7? All 4: No. We only know our game. Seph: Ignorant.... (Posh summons the spirit of Paul MaCartney) PM: Hey, where's the lads? Posh: Atttttaaaaaaaaaaccccccckkkkkkk! PM: Excuse me? We were the best thing to come out of England! Posh: Unh uh! PM: Uh huh! Posh: Unh uh! PM: Dieeeeee! Yellow Submarine! (A yellow sub fires 5 torpedoes at the girls. All but one find their target, and reduce their HP to one.) Baby: Owwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee!!!! (The remaining torpedo streaks toward a corner table) Vicks: I wonder what would happen if you mixed Tifa and Aeris? Wedge: You'd get Taris! (Both laugh, and the torpedo detonates on them. Mog looks up from bustin' a move) Mog: Oh my God, they killed Vicks and Wedge! You b******s! Seph: Dieeeeeee! (Super Nova- You all know what happens!) All 4: AGGGH! Seph: Aerosmith! Yesss! Aerosmith: Don't wanna close my eyes...... Seph: You guys rock! (Music stops) Steve Tyler: You the guy that killed the Spice Girls? Seph: Yeah...... ST: Come on up! You are the MAN!! Seph: Yesssssss!!!!!!!! Aerosmith and Seph:..I don't wannna fallll asleep, yeah, and I don't wanna miss a thing! Author: Later, Sephy and Aerosmith all went to Turtle's Paradise and |
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