Sephiroth Vs. The World III:
Sephiroth 3:16
by Bryan "PSXLord" Carr
Here it is, the long awaited THIRD Sephiroth Vs. The World. If you're
a fan of the first two, you'll probably like this one too. Or maybe not.
Just hope you don't like these celebs.....
Also, if these aren't completely accurate, it's because I really
don't care. I don't care how many Backstreet Boys there are, I don't care
what species Pikachu is (but I DO wanna play Pokemon), and I don't care
what Marylin Manson' deal is. Ok?
Chapter I: Backstreet's on their backs
(At a Backstreet Boys concert, Sephiroth sits in the audience)
Seph: I really don't care if I won these tickets free from WARK Radio.
This concert still sucks.
(The concert stops abruptly)
Teenybopper: What did he say?
Teenybopper 2: He said the concert sucks! I bet he hates N' Sync too!
Seph: Well, yeah.......
Teenybopper 3: Get the bastard!
(a huge crowd of Teenyboppers converge on our hero. Seph rears up for a
Super Nova, and releases it. Since most of the Backstreet Boys fans are
pretty thick skulled, it only knocks them unconscious.)
Backstreet Boy (you expect me to know their names?): Hey that guy just
knocked out all our fans!
Seph: You're sharp as a tack, ain't ya?
BB 2: Hey! He just insulted all of us!
Seph: Listen, as pathetic and annoying as your music is, I realy don't wanna
get my sword dirty.
BB 3: Come get some!
BB 4: Yeah big guy!
(makes a kissing noise)
BB 3: Shet ep!
(Smacks him on the back of the head.)
(They all rush Seph who knocks them back with the butt of his sword.)
Seph: C'mon, if you're gonna fight me at least don't be a buncha pansies
like that.
BB 4: We can't help what we are....
Seph: You are a bunch of pansies....
BB 3: Well duh.
(He swings at Seph who counters with a kick to the stomach.)
BB 3: Ow.....
(The other BBs attack Seph with a chain. Seph leaps over the chain and
delivers a kick to the 2nd BBs head.)
BB 2: My head! It..is smashed...cannot fight...
Seph: And who said Ehrgeiz was a bad career move! Yeah!
(The Backstreet Chumps huddle, then break.)
(They do a 3 person clothesline which Seph ducks, he fires off the Shadow
Flare, and kills 2 more BBs.)
Seph: Just me and you, preppy boy.
(BB 1 lunges at Seph, and Seph grabs him by the hair and spins him around
until he reaches Mach 5. He releases him and the BB flies off screaming.)
Vicks: Man that concert sucked.
Wedge: It was the suckiest suck concert that ever sucked.
(They both laugh, but the BB flies into them and kills them both.)
Mog: Oh my God! You killed Vicks and Wedge you b*******s!
(Back at the concert hall)
Seph: Huh. Oh well.
(N' Sync sneaks up behind Seph, but a meteor that falls out of the sky for
no apparent reason kills them. Seph looks at the carnage, shrugs and walks
out. The teenyboppers awaken.)
Teenybopper 3: Hey that guy is pretty cute.
Teenybopper 2: Let's worship the ground HE walks on!
Teenybopper 1: Agreed.
(The Teenyboppers stampede towards Seph. He turns to look quickly...)
Seph: Oh boy...
(The girls crowd around Seph)
Seph: Well, all I can say is IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!!!!!!
Chapter II: We're all stars now in the Dead Show
(Marylin Manson is being interviewed by MTV)
Reporter: So what do you have to say to your fans?
MM: I just want to say that they all suck and to kill themselves because life
isn't worth living, and buy my albums.
Reporter: Aren't you just furthering the notion that all Alternative
musicians are depressed and want to kill themselves?
MM: So what if I am? Do you like my new halter top?
Reporter: Uh...no.
(Sephiroth is watching all this on TV)
Seph: What a loser. If people kill themselves because he said so....nobody
will play Ehrgeiz! OH NO! I must stop him....I feel all noble...maybe that'll
go away.
(He teleports into the studio)
MM: So I'll just kill them all to save time. I have a nuclear warhead aimed
directly at the center of the earth, and every miserable little thing on
this sad pathetic planet will be destroyed.
Reporter: What? You're insane, you'll be killed too!
MM: No, I'll be on a special craft back to my home planet.
Seph: Stop right there!
MM: Peh. You think you can stop me?
Seph: I can damn well try.
(He stabs MM in the chest, but MM survives. Seph pulls out his sword in shock
as the wound instantly heals. He instead lops off MM's hand. It falls to the
ground and crawls away.)
Seph: What the hell....
MM: You can't kill me, I am evil incarnate!
Seph: I need help....
(Summons the Teletubbies)
Laa-La: Time for hugs!
(The 'tubbies start hugging MM and acting way too damn cute. He slowly
writhes in agony...)
Dipsy: Bye bye!
(They disappear.)
Seph: Now that you're weakened....
(Seph summons Super Nova, as Security arrives..)
Vicks: Hey, when I took this job I didn't wanna deal with aliens.
Wedge: Look up, we have bigger problems.
(The Super Nova collides, killing MM, Vicks, and Wedge.)
Reporter: Sir, the world owes you a great debt, which we may never be
able to repay. What are you gonna do now?
Seph: Well....I'm going to Disneyland!
(he puts on his Mickey Mouse ears and skips out the door)
Chapter III: This guy are sick! He wants to ban our games and
sure we can only play sissy games like Yoshi's Story. What a
maroon! Censorship is a form of Nazism......hey stop that! Where
are you taking me? Not to the rubber room again!!!!!
(In Congress)
Lieberman: These games our children play are making them aggressive and
violent. The only way we can end this assualt on our children's decency
is to ban these games from being released or make the entire box have the
graphic of the rating! The video game industry is a bunch of bloodthirsty
money mongers making profit off of our most innate visceral responses! How,
Mr. Carr, can you stick up for them?
(I had to do this)
Bryan: Sir, I can do it easily, but you won't listen. So, I got one of my pals
on the horn, and he should convince you.
(Sephiroth busts in)
Seph: You called?
Congressional Mediator: Sit down.
(He does.)
Lieberman: Those eyes...you're one of those video game characters! You are
the problem with our nation today.....
Seph: I'm not anyone's problem but YOURS if you don't watch your mouth.
(Narrows eyes)
Lieberman: Hahah. Violent tendencies, huh? Two can play at that game.
(Lightning and smoke fills the air. He transforms into a muscular barbarian
with blood dripping off his lips, and cat skulls dangling from his belt.)
Seph: WHOA! I heard Washington was tough...but this is RIDICULOUS!
Demon Lieberman: Dooooooo yooooooouuuu wiiiiiiisssssssssshhhhhh to fiiiiight
Seph: And I thought Daravon was bad. This guy doesn't have any idea what
syllables are!
DL: I'llllll kiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllll youuuuuuuuuuuu annnndddd alllll your
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg friiiiiiiiiiends!
(They begin to battle. DL swings at Seph who counters with a slash to DL's
midsection. Instead of blood, a thick black liquid spills out.)
Seph: What the hell is that?
DL: Coooooooooommmmmmmmooooonnnnn Seeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnssssssssseeee.
Seph: This gives me an idea!
(DL swings at Seph, who ducks and does a perfect backflip over Lieberman's
head. Seph grabs a handful of Common Sense and throws it in DL's eyes. He
starts to melt.)
(He melts into a little puddle.)
Seph: 'Twas common sense that killed the beast. How true....but now Ehrgeiz
won't be censored! YEAAAAHHHHHHH!
Chapter IV: Pika! Pika! Pika!
Pikachu: Pika pika!
Ash: What is it little buddy?
Pikachu: Pikapikapik!
(Seph is watching Pokemon on TV)
Seph: Good lord this is irritating.
Pikachu: You got a problem hairboy?
(Seph looks around the room quickly, and finds that Pikachu has teleported
into his own living room)
Seph: Oh my God! You..the devourer of worlds....ender of life....giver
of epileptic shock....
Pikachu: In the fur!
Seph: You can't speak English!
Pikachu: Neither can Daravon and look where he is! Listen, I wanna take over
this world, you gonna help me?
Seph: No....my psychiatrist said that was bad. He has me on these tapes...
(Holds up a box of tapes that say "9 Steps to Beating Megalomania.")
Pikahchu: Loooooooossssseeeeerrrr......
Pikachu: Loooooooooooooossssssssssssssseeeeeeeeerrrrr.....
(Draws his sword)
Pikachu: Oh I see you have a temper. I do too!
(Fires a crimson bolt of energy from his eyes at Seph. He jumps out of the
way and the bolt puts a huge hole through his west wall.)
Seph: Hey! I just got that painted ya jerk!
(Runs at Pikachu with sword extended, Pikachu ducks and bites him on the leg)
Pikachu: Ha!
Pikachu: Oh don't threaten me. Hai!
(Pikachu leaps at Seph's face and starts trying to claw it off. Seph starts
swinging his sword wildly.)
(He grabs Pikachu by the tail and throws him through the window. Pikachu
shakes the glass off as Seph jumps out after him. Pikachu raises his fist
Seph: Whooooo!
(Seph keels over holding himself. Pikachu jumps on top of him and starts
Pikachu: I'm number one! I'm number one! WHOOOOOOOO!
(Seph gets his wind back)
Seph: Nobody...but NOBODY tries anything like that and gets away with it!
(He backs Pikachu up against a wall, and raises his sword...)
Ash: Pikachu! You're being bad! Back into the ball with you!
(He raises the ball and Pikachu is sucked into it)
Ash: Sorry, he gets like that sometimes. I'll pay for the wall.
Seph: OK. That'll work....
Ash: See ya!
(He leaves)
Seph: Wait! I don't have a wall yet DAMMIT!
(He throws a boulder into the air....)
Vicks: Any threes?
Wedge: Go fish.
(The boulder lands.......two inches away from them. They start dancing)
Wedge: Cool! We're alive!
Vicks: I could get used to this....
Wedge: Yeah I know. Ain't it great?
Vicks: I'll say. You know, I.....
(A semi truck runs them over. Mog is driving)
Mog: Uh oh! I killed Vicks and Wedge, I'm a b*****d.
(Back with Seph)
Seph: Well, I hope you all learned something.
Little Billy: That it's OK to kill celebrities if they have it coming?
Little Suzie: Never to trust an "Electric Mouse"?
Little Timmy: Don't join the Imperial Army?
Seph: Uh yeah, all of that..but what I really hope you all learned is that
it's not whether they have it coming or not, but if they really annoy the
hell out of ya. Then it's OK. Don't trust electic mice, they're trouble,
and sure, go ahead and join the Imperial Army. I won't stop ya.
All 3 kids: COOL!
Seph: I'm Sephiroth. Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.
Timmy: I'm Wedge!
(falls over and plays dead)
Billy: I'm Vicks!
(Falls over playing dead too)
Suzie: I'm Terra!
(Lights the trees and bushes and set on fire.)
Seph: Aww, ain't they cute?