Now just copy the code and paste it onto your footer for any message boards you might be on, your email signature, your homepage, wherever!
Then, you may be asking "Crono & Dekar, why did you even bother making this generator?" Well, for several reasons. 1) I love programming stuff, even if it can be frusturating and tedious at times. 2) I know how tedious it would be to encode your FF Code by hand, constantly switching windows, taking an incredibly long amount of time. So, way back when, after awhile I noticed it didn't seem that anyone was going to make a CGI FF Code generator. I had (and still have) no knowledge of CGI, but I did know a bit of JavaScript. So, after using several JavaScript manuals, repititive use of the Copy-Paste functions, and several hours of frustration, I got it done and sent it in. Thus, FF Code Maker 1.00 was posted. And now, with a little bit of editing, I have FF Code Maker 2.00 beta.
For those who want to contact me, my ICQ number is 1879675 (7 digits -- yes, I'm an old timer ^^) or you can email me. For those of you that use IRC, I regularly use Espernet (and occasionally Dalnet) under the nickname CronoDekar.
Sorry for the length of time it took for me to get this updated. Please don't hurt me! ^^
The FF Code was created by Ellcrys and the FF Code Maker was coded by Crono & Dekar.
Dekar: My love is my sword!
Guy: If you ask me, you should stay away from thoughts like that.