
Ellcrys's FF Code:
[G](B)1(#)1b,4b,5b,6b,7b,8b, 9,Mb,Tb(F)8(C)Lg,Se,Fr(V)Se(O)++(D)A(R)=
(Confused? Click here.)
Real Name: Andrea Hartmann
Aliases: This could take awhile. ^_^;; Well, my better known ones are Ellcrys, Mass Hysteria, JirQue, Bird Midflight, Ryo-ohki, Shokuko, Haruka, Lagomorph... You get the idea. And then there's my multiple joke handles, like TickleMeElmdor and Scribe Shanky... Yikes. But mostly I go by Ellcrys.
Age: Born in '77, but for all intents and purposes, I'm still 16 and have been since the day I turned 14.
Location: Kalamazoo, MI. In my bedroom, to be more specific, except on the rare occasion I leave to buy food.
Blood Type: Uhm... sorry, dunno, even though all anime/video game characters seem to know theirs...
Favorite Color: Purple... though it's not obvious on this page.
Occupation: Disgruntled ex-postal worker, currently working as an intelligence agent. ;) Also got a job making graphics for a Gameboy game! :D I'll put more details here as the project continues...
Pets: I have two rabbits, Zipper and Teddy, and they remind me waaay too much of Pinky and the Brain. I also had a sweet, nervous little guinea pig named Julio who recently died...
Favorite Anime: My current obsession is Monster Rancher. Other than that, I have very little access to anime, sadly, except what other people I know from the net kindly send me - especially since my local channels took Sailor Moon and Pokemon (both of which I love) off their lineup. :( Add to that the fact that the rental stores around here mostly just have hentai, and I'm stuck... Of the little I have seen, I quite like Tenchi Muyo, and I absolutely love Ranma 1/2. Recently saw a little bit of Dragon Ball Z, and that's got potential for me to like it quite a bit, though I'm not a fan of Toriyama's art at all.
Favorite TV Shows: Only things I watch on a semi-regular basis are Simpsons, Futurama, Frasier, That 70's Show (my new favorite show!), and Conan O'Brien (he kicks butt!)
Favorite Movies: Actually, I hate movies... almost all of them. It's so passive, sitting back and watching them... Only movie I saw in the last couple years that I was actually interested in seeing was The Iron Giant, which is excellent. Terminal favorites are UHF, Labyrinth, Falling Down, and Lethal Weapon. Which have nothing in common with each other, for the most part.
Weapons of Choice: My elven-looking shortsword, any of my assorted daggers, or my bokken. Oddly enough, I've done more damage with the bokken than either the shortsword or the daggers ^_^;
Romantic Status: Screw it. That's all I have to say on the matter.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, drawing/painting, amateur voice acting, playing guitar, HTML, AD&D/GURPS/RPGs in general, dressing up in horribly out-of-date and/or tacky clothing to frighten the public, poking fun at pop culture and trendiness and really everything else too.
Addictions (as in, stuff I actually MUST have a dose of each day): Diet Coke (caffeine free variety), posting rambling messages on various message boards, work.
Obsessions (as in, stuff I don't have to actually HAVE each day, but think about too much): Sephiroth (duh), Laguna (again, duh), John Lennon, Dar Williams, TMBG, my two bunnies
Books I read over and over: Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, anything by Terry Brooks (Gee, never would have guessed I'm a fan by my handle, huh?), the first few Dragonlance trilogies and most everything else by Weis and Hickman, Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies, Watership Down, Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker and Dirk Gently books, everything by Marion Zimmer Bradley. She died recently though, so... *sigh* No more Darkover...
Other stuff I think is cool: Kneaded rubber erasers, the word fjord, really tacky clothes, that wonderful smell of new electronics when they start up for the first time, old video games, peanut butter M&Ms, blackberries, black narcissus incense
Things I *REALLY* Hate: Leonardo Dicaprio, people who hate Christians because "they don't tolerate my religion" (can we say hypocrisy, folks?), people who try to show their "superior intelligence" by acting like idiots to prove their far-out hypotheses that people won't like them, Microsoft and their crappy software, medicine (I'm super-sensitive to chemicals, so I almost could overdose on a 3rd of the recommended dosage. By weight, no less), Marle (from Chrono Trigger), Bush, the Spice Girls, Korn... well if I get into bands I really hate this'll go on forever.
Things people have asked if they can quote me on:
"Oh wow, this is the most horrible, ugly, tasteless shirt I've ever seen... I'll take it!"
"Well yeah, so the Sailor Moon dolls don't have noses... they still look better naked than Barbie does."
"If bad music is bad enough, it's actually better than most good music."
"I'm a gay man trapped in a woman's body."
"I used to have a crush on Sailor Uranus... before I realized she was female."
"I'm kinda like Mr. Ed - I never speak unless I have something to say."
"Someday I too will be an overweight man with a beard."
Personality: Gee, is that something I could give an unbiased answer to? ^_^ Well, what I do know is this - horoscope-wise, I am a Taurus. But after looking at a bunch of horoscope charts and such, I realized I was much more like the classic Aquarius. Which is why I don't believe in astrology. ^_~ However, I do think it's an interesting concept, and sometimes I'll refer to a person as "a classic Gemini" or such even if they were born in, say, March. But anyway, Aquarians are supposed to be idealistic, inventive, often eccentric, visionary. Well, that's me. I'm an Aquarian born a few months late. ^_^ Hmm, oh yeah, and a couple people I know who believe in reincarnation and are supposedly able to read my aura say I'm the reincarnation of a faerie. Uhm... okay. I wouldn't think much of this except these people didn't know each other, and one of them barely knew me, and yet they both said the same thing. Kinda creepy.
CD I'm currently obsessed with: The Green World, by Dar Williams. Oh man... Dar never ceases to amaze me. You know how sometimes there's this one song on a CD you listen to and when it's over, you want to put it on repeat forever because it's just that good? All but about two songs on this album are like that for me. I try not to turn it on, sometimes, because I know I'll just end up letting it play over and over and over... Fortunately, a fellow Dar-lister was kind enough to send me an extra copy of the limited edition which she'd received in error, so I get the bonus track too! :D If you're interested in acquiring the limited edition, go over to razorandtie.com and order! O Canada Girls is worth it by itself, but there's also the incredibly cool packaging. =)